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"Mother! Father! Where are you!?" The shouts of a young girl, the age of 6 to be perhaps, came from down the hall in the Williams Manor. The girls name is Susan Williams, she ran down the hall away from the flames that were growing and coming closer, she ran towards her father's study "Mother! Father! Are You Alr-" her voice was cut off by the scene in front of her.

Her mother's body was in the chair of her fathers and instead of seeing her mother's kind, warm face. It was stitch in half with the other half of her fathers head, Susan's eyes widen and tears came into her eyes "MOTHER?! FATHER?!" She screamed and saw a woman wearing white and violet eyes next to her dead half parents making her face turn into anger "You!?! You did this?!?" The fire came into the room and the woman just chuckled and vanish in Susan's eye sight "You Will Pay?! You Hear Me!? You'll Pay For My Parents Death!?" She shouted before running pass the dead corpse of her parents and crashed out the window, landing on the ground and rolled away from the Manor that's in flames.

Susan picked up her head and looked at her once wonderful home was now in flames with her parents inside burning. Tears went down her chin as she mourn in fear and pain, a twig snapped alerting her "W-who's there?" She shuddered then was blindfolded and went unconscious.

(Play now) Susan woke up to see that she was in a cage along with another kid her age, (not Ciel) a boy with fear in his eyes. Susan looked at him and heard music along with the  footsteps of someone wearing heels coming behind her "What is your wish?" A voice asked giving her chills up her spine making her fully turn around to see a woman in black mist around her looking down at Susan with glowing (e/c) eyes. Susan looked at her "To get revenge on the angels! Getting payback for what they did to my parents! Protect me and help me get revenge!" She said making the woman smirk.

"Yes my lady" The woman said as the black mist went away to show a woman with long (h/c) hair and glowing (e/c) eyes looking down at Susan. Susan reached out her hand to the woman's and held it tightly "You will be my Butler! Take me away from this place and free these kids!" Susan said making the woman smirk "Yes my lady" everything went black.

Susan opens her eyes to see she was floating in midair "Would you like to make a contract with me?" The woman asked looking at Susan and she nodded "Good....once we make a contract, you will not be able to go to heaven but hell and your soul is mine" the woman said coming closed to Susan "Where shall I mark you?" Susan points at her left eye and the woman smirked.

The woman leaned forward and kissed Susan's eye making her flinch as the stinging pain comes into her eye when the woman pulled away "Now...I'll see you in the morning, my lady" the woman said with a smirk as Susan sent unconscious again.

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