Chapter 3

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It's been a few hours since you and Susan arrived with Ciel and Sebastian, you were still in your cub form and Susan was still petting you. You purred as Susan scratched your ear until the door knocked making you and Susan stop what you were doing "My ladies..... Dinner is ready" it was Sebastian, you got off the bed and turn back into your human form. You went to the door and opened it to see Sebastian "Ah.... Thank you, Sebastian..... We'll be right down" you said and Sebastian went off "My Lady, it's time for dinner" you said helping Susan up and brushed out her hair.

Susan smiled and swatted your hand away playfully "Let's get downstairs! I'm starving!" Susan said giggling a bit. You smiled and opened the door for Susan, you both walked out and went down the stairs. You saw Ciel sitting in a chair at the dinning table "Ah....glad you can join me, Lady William" Ciel said and Susan giggled as you pushed open a chair for her "Call me Susan, I'm not the one who likes to be formal in names" Susan said sitting down and you pushed her in "Alright then, Susan..... Call me Ciel" Ciel said as Sebastian came in with the cart of food.

"This looks delicious! Thank you, Sebastian!" Susan said smiling as Sebastian placed her plate down then Ciel's "Why thank you, Lady William" Sebastian said smiling. You stood behind Susan and looked around "Now.....tell me, Susan....... How is your relationship with your butler?" Ciel asked making you and Susan freeze "Um.....well, (Y/n)'s been with me ever since my parents were murdered....and burned......she's like a mother to me" Susan said getting emotional "Now, now..... A lady mustn't cry in front of a gentleman" you said getting a handkerchief out and dappeds Susan's years away.

Susan smiled "Sorry, you had to see's been hard for me ever since I lost my parents" Susan said clutching her fist in her lap. Ciel smiled slightly but it disappeared "I understand..... How about once we're done with dinner, we can discuss about the case" Ciel suggested and Susan nodded "Yes, indeed" Susan said before eating.

I stood in front of Young Master who was sitting in his desk "Do you think that Susan is in a contract with a demon, Sebastian?" Young Master asked looking up a me "I haven't seen or sense any sign of a demon presence" I said as he got up "I'm getting me retired for the night" Young Master said walking towards the door "Of Course".

We walked down the hallway to see Lady's Williams door slightly agar "(Y/n)....want am I to you?" I heard Lady Williams voice and I looked at Young Master who was looking at me then we looked through the gap in the door to see Lady William standing in front of the window looking out "What you are to me?......just a simply one-" "NO?! What am I to you, (Y/n)! I'm not that perfect as you are?!" Lady William cut off (Y/n) and took off her eye patch showing the mark of a demon contract "Your just my master.....but kind girl who I care about to get revenge on those filthy creatures" (Y/n) said taking off her gloves and placed her left hand on Lady Williams cheek and wiped a tear away "Really? You'll help me get revenge" My eyes widen and I heard Young Master gasp "Of course..... What kind of a butler would I be?" I looked at Young Master and he looked at me "We'll discuss with them in the morning.....I'm tired" He whispered and we walked away from the door.

Me: U-um.....what are you going to do with Susan and (Y/n)?
Sebastian: Make (Y/n) mine and make her carry my children!
Sebastian: *fiddles with fingers and anime tears* What? I'm just saying
Ciel: We're going to talk to them that's it....right Sebastian?
Sebastian: *sulks* yes my lord

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