Chapter 2

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You and Susan walked towards the body, you looked around as Susan crouches down next to the body of a woman at the age 20 with her insides out. You looked at Susan to see she was shaking "My's alright" you said crouching behind her and rubs her back as she holds on your arm tightly.

You heard someone clear their throat making you and Susan look behind you to see a boy about Susan's age and a man in a Butler uniform "Is everything alright, Miss?" The boy asked looking at the both of you. Susan nods and let's go of you then stood up with you following "Yes, thank you....Um..." Susan asked "I'm Ciel Phantomhive, the Queen's Guard Dog and this is my Butler Sebastian........who are you?" The boy dubbed Ciel asked looking at Susan then at you "I'm Susan Williams, the Queen's Lion and this is my Butler (Y/n)" Susan said looking at you then at Ciel.

You smiled a bit and nodded "It's a pleasure to meet the Queen's Guard Dog, right my lady?" You asked and Susan nodded before looking at the body "Why don't we talk at my Manor....... You and your butler can stay until the case is closed" Ciel said and Susan looked at you and you nodded, Susan looks back at Ciel and nods "Of course!" She said and Ciel nodded before you all started to walk away from the crime scene.

I walked behind Susan not noticing the butlers stare on the back of my head, I stopped when Susan and Earl Phantomhive stopped in front of a carriage. I saw the Butler open the door and helped Earl Phantomhive then Susan inside, he reached out his hand for mine which I gladly took and I sat next to Susan. I looked at Susan to see she was a bit shaken up and I patted her knee soothingly making her look at me "Are you alright, my lady? Your a bit pale" I whispered and she smiled "Of course, I'm..... Just shaken up" she said as the Butler came in and sat across from me.

I sighed and nodded "So.... How are you a butler? Your just a woman!" Earl Phantomhive asked looking at me and I did a closed-eye smile "I'm merely one Talented woman" I said and Susan nudged her elbow into my stomach making me glare at her. She giggled and I rolled my eyes "Well.....I'm Sebastian Michaelis" I looked at the butler dubbed Sebastian and nodded "I'm (Y/n) (L/n).....pleasure to meet you" I said having my eyes closed as I smiled not seeing a small blush across Sebastian's cheeks. I felt something lean against my shoulder making me look down to see Susan with her mouth open a bit and asleep "So..... She's the Queen's Lion? She just a girl that's simply my age.......she can't handle all this blood and gore...." Earl Phantomhive said making me look up at him and gave him a cold stare "She CAN handle all the blood and gore but she gets shaken up for some reason and I've been with her since she was 6........ And yes, she is the Queen's Lion and the Queen's most prized possession too" I explained brushing away some of the purple hair away from Susan's peaceful face.

"So.......I heard that the William Manor was burned down to the ground along with its nobles, 7 years ago..... Is that true?" Earl Phantomhive asked and I looked at him "Yes, indeed it burned down......along with her parents" I said looking at Susan who was still asleep. I sighed and looked out the window as it came to a stop, I let Earl Phantomhive go first along with Sebastian then I picked up Susan and got out of the carriage.

I looked at (Y/n), she seems a bit off. I could see her (h/c) hair fly as the wind started to pick up a bit and saw her (e/c) eyes glow in the sun making heat form in my cheeks. "Now...... Sebastian, show them to their rooms" Young Master said as he walked towards the Manor and I looked at (Y/n) who was carrying a now awake Lady William "(Y/N)! Put Me Down! Or I'm Decorating Your Room To A Lighter Color!!" Lady William shouted and (Y/n) put her down "My lady's, let me show you to your rooms" I said and they looked at me "Yes, please do!" I chuckled at Lady Williams reaction.

I turn around and started to walk away "(Y/n)...... What's with the disgusted look?" I heard Lady William asked "It's nothing, my lady......simply nothing" I heard (Y/n) answered in disgust as we came up the stairs. I stopped when I didn't hear any footsteps behind me making me turn to see (Y/n) helping Meyrin up on the stairs "Be careful now......don't want a beautiful face like yours to be ruin, now do we?" (Y/n) said fixing Meyrin's glasses and she nodded "Y-yes, yes indeed.....thank you!!" Meyrin said before running towards the kitchen.

I walked over to them "My ladies.... Your rooms await" I said and Lady William nodded "Of course......(Y/n) did you bring my luggage?" "Of course, I did" (Y/n) said smiling. I smiled and walked towards a guest room "Lady William, this is your room and (Y/n), your room is right across it" I said opening the room in front of me "It's beautiful!" "My Lady?!" I saw Lady William jump on the bed and (Y/n) next to me sighing "My lady.....we are guest not at please act lady-like" (Y/n) asked, I merely smirked when I saw Lady Williams pout "Okay........... Mother ~" Lady William teased.

I sighed again and looked at Sebastian "Thank you for showing us, our rooms Sebastian" I said and he nodded "Of course......I'll be back when dinner is ready" he said closing the door and I looked at Susan "(Y/n), turn into your cub form! I want to pet you!" Susan said smiling and I nodded "Of course, my lady" I said before turning into a lion cub (sorry I didn't mention this but you are a Lion Demon) and I climbed on the bed, in Susan's lap.

I laid my head in Susan's lap as she started to pet me making me purr "I love your soft fur, (Y/n)" Susan said as her hand goes down my head and down my back. I turned on my back and she started to rub my stomach making me purr more.

Little did they know, someone was watching them from the window then it disappeared.

Sebastian: when do I get to be with (Y/n)! a few more chapters, me you will
Sebastian: Yes?!
Ciel: Am I going to be in the next chapter?
Me: Yep! Now viewers, vote and comment please!

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