Hey friend


How are you?

You are seriously bugging me with these 'how are you' questions. Kindly stop.


Why what?

Why is someone who wants to know about your well being bugging you?

Because they really don't care.

Now how do you know I don't care?

Because! I've met so many people who 'say they care' when they really don't! It's happened before more times than I can count! So stop saying you care! Stop getting my hopes up and then end up crushing them! Just STOP.

Why do you assume such things? Sure you've probably met some really bad people in life but that's not how we all are. That's not how I am. So stop assuming, it holds you back. Sure you might have your heart broken from time to time but I find it better to go with my instincts. It's more fun that way. It gives you more chances. It may lead you down the right path. But for now I just want to say that I care. I care a lot.

*Message Read"

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