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Warning:Following chapter has major spoilers of the book "The Book Theif". Read at your own risk.




I finished the Book Theif.

Oh cool. What do you think?

It really was something diffrent.

That's a good thing right?


Did you cry?





Fine yes I cried, I cried a lot. But Rudy didn't deserve to die damn it! Neither did Hans or Rose or anyone else. I know I'm a guy and it's weird for me to cry about this kind of stuff but screw it ok! I didn't even know I was emotionally attached to these people, and now I'm crying over them.

Yeah figured. That's why Zusak is one of my favorite authors. He can make us attached to a character when we don't realize it but when they die we realize that we actually are pretty close to them. We finally realize the importance of them. And I agree with you Rudy did not deserve to die. At ALL.

You should be a writer.

Me? Why?

You seem like you have alot of things to write about.

Really? Such as?

Such as anything.

Thanks, that was really helpful

Ikr! I'm just filled with great ideas.

Ok sure why not.

Don't think I'm not, I am

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Ok want a good idea? Here's one, why don't we video chat?

*Message Read*

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