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I'm debating with myself on whether I made the right choice or not. What if he's lying? What if he leaves? He's the only person who asks me how I feel and I feel terrible for lying to him but what could I do? I wasn't going to just up and tell him all about my life. He'd probably just leave like the rest of them.

Gathering up all my courage I pressed the call button with a shaky finger. It was accepted almost immediately, shocking me slightly.

I put my head down so I was looking at my bed sheets, my hair covered my eyes amd my shoulders slouched.

"Hey." He said with a soft, kinda deep voice.

I didn't reply. What was I going to say? I'd probably just make the conversation way more awkward than needed.

"Hey, you listening?"

"Yeah, I am." That came out with way to much worry. Great.

"Hey come on, let me see you."

My heart started pounding when he said that. What if he leaves? What if he never comes back?

I rose my head just a little, not wanting to go any further in fear of the outcome.

"Come on, a little more."

I was afraid he was gonna say that. Here it comes. The rejection. I just know it.

And so when I lifted my head I was surprised by what I saw.

No not his looks though he was good looking. Dark black hair and electric blue eyes filled with wonder and curiosity, something mine lacked. But that's not what surprised me. Instead I saw something diffrent, something new, something I haven't seen since forever.

A smile.

Not just those regular "I'm being polite" smiles, but a real one. A real smile. How I've longed for that kind of smile for most of my life. The smile of acceptance. The smile of friendship. The smile of loyalty. All things I miss so much, and now, maybe, just maybe, I'll get it.



"How are you?"

When he asked this his eyes held slight worry. Like he cared. No he does care. I've found someone who cares. I've actually found someone who cares!

That's it. I couldn't hold it in. My eyes began to water, tears were just about to fall. But not before I managed to choke out a little

"Thank you."

And that's when the tears started to pour.

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