#25 Realization

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I've come to realize something.

Which is...

I'm not worth it. I'm not worth your time. I'm not worth your kindness. I'm not worth your "Hey" and "How are you"
I'm not worth anything.

Yeah you are

No, I'm not

What brought this on?

Nothing, I just realized

You are worth it, your worth everything. Your worth it all. You just think your not worth it. I knew someone like that. They thought they weren't worth it. They thought they didn't deserve the world. They thought they didn't deserve to live. To breath. And now there gone. Forever. So please don't think your not worth it. Please don't leave. Please don't do this. Don't think those thoughts. Because if you leave it means I've failed as a friend. It means I've made the same mistake again. Please don't put me threw that again.

*Message read*

Please don't leave...

*Message read*

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