Not a clue where this is going but it's going and fuck it let's go


You should come over again!

Ehh, probably not

;-; noooo, why not? I think the whole thing went pretty great!

I know I know. It was really great. It's just my parents are meh and I have a lot of homework and tests to study for so there isn't much room left for free time.

Well doesn't that sound exciting!

I'm sorry I care about my future

Hey! I care! Sorta!

You just proved my point

I did nottt


So why don't I come over your house?

Absolutely not

Why nooooooootttt

My parents wouldn't approve

It's not like we're gonna make out or some shiet


Okay then, just gonna ignore that.

But no, you don't wanna come to my house

Yes i dooo



No damion

Yes jade

Drop it.

I don't want to break it, tho

Oh shut up

I have to go


This isn't over



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