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In the year 2489, the earthlings was already making their way into space, heck they even made massive warship, battleship etc... and made colonies on the moon. They slowly captured and ruled each planet around their solar system. Using their massive warships and combat units, yes I am referring to those 3 story high mechanical robots... is it gundam? Well... call it whatever you want?.

You guys must be wondering why I said, "their solar system" right? Well it's because no one really knows how large the universe really is. And how many light-years it is apart from each solar systems.

Of course humans are one of the intelligent beings. But humans are also one of the most greedy beings born. They keep waging wars with each other for supremacy, even though they manage to capture all 9planets(?) in their solar system.


Josh a 18year old white haired with supple and toned muscled body from his daily training since his childhood, his height is 6.2ft, Josh struggled since birth. Because he literally have no parents because his parents died from the never ending wars that humans wage with one another. He was told that his mother gave birth to him in a middle of a battle field... yes it was the colony that his parents were at. The opposing forces attacked that colony and it became a battle field.

His mother gave birth to him successfully in a supposedly safe area. But unfortunately the colony itself could not withstood the attack of the enemies' battle ships, which cause the colony to fall apart. His parents together with other civilians were going to escape through a pod, But since there were too many of them. They just decided to let the children escape which leaving the adults and elderly in a collapsing colony.

Josh parents left Josh to the daughter of their close friend, Diane, Diane is 2years old with a pinkish hair and a cute face...((Yea all children are cute)). Diane is happened to be the daughter of a Colonel. Her father is the Colonel of the Earth's federation.

Since both of their parents were close, Josh was adopted to the family. 2yearshad past Diane's father died in a never ending war. Josh then were abused by his supposedly step mother. And Diane who is now 4years old were being taught by her mother how to treat lower class people. Yes on how to treat them like trash and such.

Josh was treated to be the house...butler... no he was treated lower than a butler. He was abused and sometimes the step mother won't even give food to Josh. Because her husband... yes the previous Colonel of the Earth federation, were infatuated to Josh mother. Or we could say that he was in love? Even though he was rejected on their teen years, and he ended up with a woman who he does not love and had a daughter name Diane...

Of course the step mother knew it. That's why she was venting her anger to Josh and even Diane also started to look down on Josh. When Josh was 6years old, the best friend of the late Colonel visited and saw Josh malnourished face, even though the stepmother did not leave any injury on Josh's body. Bern, the name of the late Colonel's best friend.

Bern decided to take care of Josh, he even paid the stepmother a large sum of money just to have her give up on Josh. Bern is what you may call Businessman that's why he can afford to pay the stepmother a large amount of money just for Josh.

Diane click her tongue upon seeing that her plaything is going to be taken away from her. Yes Diane would often bully Josh verbally.

"Hi, my name is Bern, what's yours?" asked Bern to Josh with a gentle smile on his face


"Nice meeting you Josh, starting today I will be the one who will take care of you"

"Re-really?" Josh face brightened and turned towards Diane and smirked because he is now free from the two devil who somewhat mistreated him.

A world with two moonsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz