Chapter 13 - Travel on a Ship (Again)

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~~~~ Mia POV (15 year old, on Ship) ~~~~

Before I could fully close my eyes, I heard Josh...MY Josh mutter 'Time sure flies'.

Memories of the past started flashing back inside my head. I still remember the first time that I met Josh, It was love at first sight what's more we are forever eternally bound together, which no gods nor demons could do anything to separate us.

I am currently resting against one of Josh's arms while hugging his toned chest. Just remembering what we did a moment ago is making me blush, my god, I never knew I was that bold... I wonder if it was the wine that drove me to act that boldly. Or was it because of jealousy?

Yea... I was probably Jealous of master Octavia, I can't be believe that she tricked me with that rock, paper, and scissor game. To top it off, I could not even win one time against her. I always wanted to be the first one to do it with Josh, but...*sigh* there's nothing I can do about it I guess.

"Hmm" Josh smell is so relaxing, I wrapped my arms over his body and snuggled my head closely near his neck. I then caressed the face of my beloved carefully.

"haa...haaa" this is bad, I am starting to get horny, my breathing is getting rougher and rougher by the second.


I started to lick his neck bit by bit savoring his taste and flavor. I know that what I am doing is indecent but because of master Octavia taking his first time, I just can't control myself and think that I have to do it with him a lot more times to compensate right?

These past few years really had passed by so fast, my body had really developed well, and I have to thank master Octavia for that. Even though I know that being a pure blooded vampire, I was destined to have an appareled body which could sway any man alive. But without master's help then I would have blindly trained myself and would developed muscles.

With great curves on the right place, I was static and satisfied about my looks. I always dreamed to have a body comparable to master Octavia or rather better than hers. But in terms of breast size, I could not compare to her. Hers are just ginormous I wonder what she eats in order to have those kind of breast.

While I was thinking about master Octavia, I recalled a scene where she had once told me that she was jealous of my small adorable body, and milky white skin.

At first I was just thinking that master was only joking around, not until she had shared to me her secret. She told me back then that she was a draconian. An ancient powerful being that could rival, or rather could defeat a pure dragon.

I asked master why she told me about her secret, but she only said was 'I want to return to my original body and show Josh how adorable I am'

Then it hit me, I realized what master was talking about. Back then I was skeptical and just shrugged the thought of it. But now I fully realized and understood master's words. How could I not? When we were still little, Josh would always hug me from behind and snuggle his face against my hair or neck for hours. *giggle* He even fell asleep one time doing that to me.

But now, he rarely do that to me. I know why, it's because he can't help but feel horny like I am feeling right now. Seeing his perfect tone body as if it was chiseled by the gods themselves, I could hardly control myself.

"Ahh, Josh...why do I love you so much? I want to monopolize you for myself..." I whispered to his ears while slowly licking him down to his neck, up towards his chin, then to his lips.

"Mmmhp, haaa...haaa... Josh..."

I could not control myself any longer, so I decided to insert my tongue deep inside his mouth. Sucking my beloved tongue is really great, no matter how many times I do it I could not help but still love how he taste.

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