Chapter 14 - Troubles of being a beauty

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~~~~Josh POV~~~~

Damn! Why is this happening?

I remember a few moment ago that as I was just strolling around when I just happen to stop here in order to admire the beautiful sunset, and then suddenly that Elly girl came out all of a sudden, she even suddenly caused a ruckus...of course it wasn't my fault that I saw her underwear. Yup totally not my fault. Then another one came out which was a beautiful woman called Alia, we exchange a few greetings and then she also suddenly caused a ruckus... and of course it was also not my fault when I also saw her underwear.

Things happened so goddamn fast and now here I am finding myself getting embrace by this black haired beauty. Everything should have been ok until my beloved Mia showed up.

Her expression coupled with a bone chilling killing intent which was emitting all over her body. She was like the most beautiful goddess of death slowly walking nearer and nearer towards me.

I was of course innocent. I mean, it was Alia who had suddenly embraced me out of the blue after she fired those two fireballs at me. Well it was a pretty weak one, but the point is I am innocent, I did not initiate the embrace so why should I feel guilty?

I was going to explain to Mia that it was all just a misunderstanding, but the proof she needed is right in front of her eyes. I am getting embrace right now...what should I say? Should I just play it off? Should I apologize? Should I run for it? Damn it I'm confuse and afraid at the same time. Afraid to what Mia would do.

Seeing Mia stopping right in front of me with a beautiful smile minus the bone chilling killing intent emitting from her made my heart race. My Mia is really beautiful, even her angry smile is very beautiful that I would probably instinctively reach out for her and give her a passionate kiss...


"Fuaaa, J-Josh stop their starring at us"

Oh shit, I actually instinctively reach out to her and gave her a passionate kiss.

Hearing Mia's words, I tilted my head around and saw both Elly and captain Emelda's blushing face while Alia was standing frozen at the side. Yes, I think I instinctively shove Alia away and reach out for Mia.

I felt bad for her, but it's also her fault. She should not have embrace me. I mean, even if she was really beautiful it won't even matter since Mia is a level above her. Her beauty can't compete with my beloved Mia.


Seeing Mia giggle made me smile at the same time I breathe a sigh of relief. I wonder why Mia was giving of that killing intent earlier...oh it must have been because that seeing me her man embracing another woman huh?

Feeling a bit guilty, even though it wasn't me who initiated the embrace. I quickly pulled Mia into a hug and whispered to her.

"I'm sorry for what had happen Mia, but it's because... (explanation bla bla bla)..."

After explaining to Mia about the situation earlier. Mia glared at Elly then at the frozen Alia.

Mia's mood brighten after confirming that what I said was really the truth.

Confirming that Mia wasn't mad anymore made me feel relax and happy. Since for me, the greatest crime of all is hurting my beloved and making them cry. I'm just glad that Mia understood my situation.

"Ehem, how about we have our breakfast?"

Hearing captain Emelda's suggestion broke the trance that me and Mia were currently at. I took a glance at Alia who somehow has a weird glint in her eyes while looking at me, I somehow had a bad feeling about that gaze of her, but since I'm probably stronger than her then it does not really matter.

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