Chapter 11 - Wheels of Fate

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Finally we had arrive at Hell Island, I regretted not being able to master the art of meditating while I was on the ship, it's because a certain someone kept on stealing kisses to me whenever I meditate. Which had gotten me scolded by my master.

"Josh, I had expectations of you...but...maybe a week is not enough in order for you to master the art of meditating."

At those words I was depress, it's not like I could blame it all on Mia. It's just because I never really scolded Mia, and shall never will, unless she did something grave that is deserving for scolding. But kissing? Naaah it does not bother me ...just that she distracts me for a while by kissing me and it also made me forgot about meditating.

"I'm sorry master" I lowered my head while Mia mimic my action.

Master Octavia then motioned her hands, signaling for us to follow her.

Mia took a hold of my hand then we diligently followed right behind master Octavia.

(hmm, Hell Island... its different than what I had imagine, I thought it would be an Island devastated by magic and such...but I could only see a tropical Island. One that is the most beautiful that I have ever seen.)

As we followed behind master Octavia, I could see that there are only few people who are presently residing on Hell's Island. They live in either one of the mansions or cottages scattered all over the place with great distance between each houses.

What took my interest was that, each houses, I could see some young children's being trained by their respective masters. (Oh, I guess I am not the only prodigy child.)

It was really fun to watch those young girls training hard...yea for some reason I could only see young girls being trained by either an old man or an old woman, I am really lucky that my master is not an old woman.

And for some reason Mia was in a good mood, it was the first time I saw her in a very good mood just by walking...(maybe...Mia has something planned together with master? Meeh, I might be over thinking it.)

Then I suddenly felt an attraction, it's like I was getting pulled by a mysterious force towards a certain tree.

My feet moved by themselves, Mia who was holding my hand tilted her head in confusion.

"Mia, get master, I can't seem to control my body! It's like I am getting possess by someone or something and is leading me to somewhere."

Mia showed a concerned look on her face, when she saw that I was not joking around, she immediately took off to get master Octavia.

(Seriously...why is this happening to me?)

Then to make it worst, I began running. I could not help but frown as I ran, because I can't seem to control myself. It's like I needed to go to the place that is attracting me.

As I was getting near to the place that is calling me? My chest began to tighten, and my breathing began to be haggard.

*pant* *pant*, (I don't know how far I am running now...I entered a forest...then jump through a water fall...then entered a forest.)

Then I saw a large tree, large enough to be called a world tree or something like that, and for some reason I already knew that the destination and the place that had attracted me was the very tree itself or something inside the tree...

Finally I arrived, but what made me worry is that...I can feel Mia approaching me maybe it's because we are bound together for eternity,(oh I guess Mia can feel my location too, I am guessing she brought master with her too, I just hope there aren't any dangerous monsters here, because I kinda feel restless for some reason...)

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