Chapter 1:Sabrina

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"Hey! Get back here, street rat!"

Sabrina laughed and launched herself over another stall.The women in the market shrieked and men yelled out in anger as she landed in their midst. Baskets of goods went flying everywhere. The stall keeper ran after her, shouting obscenities. He was already out of breath from the chase, red in the face and heavy body heaving in effort.

Sabrina snorted and thrust her hand back at him. She felt power surge through her, making her stomach tighten and fingers tingle. A strong gust of wind blew towards the stall keeper and his apron flew up around his face.People shriek in terror at the display.

"She's a magic user!"

"Call the guards!"


The stall keeper struggled with his apron as it wrapped itself around his head, tighter with every moment. The shop keeper tripped and went sprawling on the ground.

Sabrina took this as her chance for escape and sprinted off, darting through the brightly colored tents and stalls.

Finally, she burst out onto the Main Street. She jostled her way through the crowds, keeping her stolen goods tucked to her side.

When she felt like she'd gotten far enough from trouble, she veered off the road, taking allies, roads, and shortcuts to get away from the crowds. She was headed for the lower part of town, where she would blend in easier with the rift-raft. Her arms ached from all the stolen goods in her bag, but she did not stop.

Sabrina's steps were light and quick, darting past pedestrian. She could hardly keep from skipping. She had finally been able to steal the last things she  needed to leave. Now all that was left was to...leave. Just leave. She suppressed a grin and hurried on.

The streets had begun to narrow and she knew she was getting close to home. Shady figures leered out of alleys and skinny dogs wandered aimlessly. She grimaced at the sights.

This was the worst part of town. It was filled with the weak,sick,hungry,and wicked. Every step,she was wary. She knew if something happened, she could probably protect herself but she didn't want to test that theory.

Sabrina pulled her hood closer to her face and clutched her bag. She glared at anyone close and held herself high, daring them. Confidence was the key to survival.

Ten minutes of walking later, she was finally to the entrance of her home. Sadly, that home was a sewer.

She bent down, sweeping her cloak out of the way, and wedged her fingers into an almost nearly invisible grate in the road, and pulled. It came up with a loud grating noise and she winced. Quickly, she moved it out of the way enough to accommodate her body. First she carefully lowered her bag and then herself into the hole. She dropped and landed, almost slipping in a puddle of something.

She grimaced and stepped out of the puddle. She looked around, happy to find herself alone for now.

The tunnels of the sewers were dark and quiet, the only sound coming from distant water rushing through pipes. She could feel the strength in the water and wondered what it would be like to control it, use it.Sabrina grinned and dismissed this thought for now, focusing on her task.

With a swift wave of her arm, she sent a strong wind up through the hole and yanked the grate back in place. Pleased, she bent down to get her bag.

"Sabrina!" barked a voice.

Sabrina gasped and straightened, spinning on her heels, her bag clutched to her chest.

"Fi! You scared the wits out of me." Sabrina scolded, trying to calm her heart.

"I'm surprised there's any wits left to scare, seeing as you already don't have enough to be more careful with your magic!" A small figure came out of the gloom, glaring with large, brown, doe eyes. She was young and slight, all big eyes and ears, with close cropped brown hair.

Sabrina laughed and ruffled Fi's hair, sweeping past her.

"You worry to much, Fi."

"It's better than not worrying at all, "Fi said shrilly, hurrying after Sabrina,"magic is illegal, in case you forgot."

"Well it doesn't matter right now, since I'll be leaving tonight."Sabrina shot Fi a sligh smile.

Fi gasped and grabbed onto Sabrina's arm. "You got everything you needed?"

Sabrina grinned and shook her bag, "Sure did."

Fi smiled and patted Sabrina's back. Her eyes were sad and Sabrina's elated feelings dimmed.

"Y'know, " Sabrina said, "my offer is still on the table." Months ago, when Sabrina had begun planning her trip, she had offered Fi a chance to come along, to escape this terrible sewer. She had refused.

The sewer was filled with the homeless and the orphaned, and Fi was determined to help. She had a small inkling of healing magic and she used all of it on the people down here. That's how Sabrina and her had met, sharing in their secret magical abilities.

Sabrina hated it, but she knew that the people here needed Fi.

Fi shook her head and bumped Sabrina with her hip. "I'll help you pack and I'll even walk you out of the city."

Sabrina smiled sadly and nodded. It was the best she could hope for. She didn't want to leave Fi here on her own, but she had to. If she waited any longer, she would never leave. She was older now and stronger, no longer the little orphan girl, half starved and found unconscious in a field. She was ready.

"We'll see each other again some day Fi, I can feel it in my soul." Sabrina said.

They had reached the entrance to the living area, but they didn't go in yet. Sabrina turned and pulled Fi into a tight hug. Fi returned it with as much force,burying her face in Sabrina's long, blonde curls.

"Of course we will."

Hello! If you've made it this far,thank you! Let me know what you think and maybe vote for this story. I'd really appreciate it and thanks again for reading!

The Magic Rebellion Trilogy:The Children of Rebellion(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now