Chapter 3:Sabrina

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Sabrina made her first stop just as the sun began to rise. She was in a valley, flat land all around her without a soul in sight. She basked in the quiet, such a stark contrast from the hustle and bustle of the town she'd left behind. The constant breeze calmed her.

She dismounted her horse and sat down in the grass, rooting through her bags. She pulled out 2 apples, for her and her horse. She'd decided to call him Nix. She rolled the apple towards Nix and continued to rifle through the bags.

Next she pulled out water, taking a few sips for herself and pouring some for Nix. Nix chewed his apple contentedly and they sat in companionable silence.

Sabrina laid down in the soft, green grass and watched the sky lighten. It went from a pale pink to brightening with every moment, bringing the blue,clear sky to life.

She sighed happily, glad to be free and moving. She stirred the air around her, making it brush against her face. She was in no rush right now, knowing exactly where she was going. She wanted to enjoy this freedom.

Her thoughts drifted, thinking of Fi, all alone in the town without her. Sabrina knew Fi could take care of herself but she still worried. She dismissed the thoughts, knowing she couldn't go back anyway.

Then she thought of the Rebellion, of the people she might meet and the things she could accomplish. How just maybe she would see her parents again and to finally seek her revenge on the awful Queen. She also wondered about her advancement in magic.

Sabrina knew her magic, though looking impressive, was nothing to what she knew wind users could achieve. She'd heard tales of wind users creating tornadoes and causing gale force winds. It excited her to think that she could accomplish those things.

Sabrina was lost to her daydreams for awhile.

Eventually, when the sun had risen past the horizon, Sabrina got up and stretched, shaking out her long hair. She looked over at Nix, who stood patiently waiting for her with warm, brown eyes.

"Let's get going buddy."

Sabrina packed her bags, securing them back in place and swung herself back onto the horse. They walked at a slow trot; she didn't want to push Nix too much early on. It was a long trip.

They traveled on, rarely seeing anyone on the road, and then only small groups of nomads. When she came across them, she moved as far over as the path would allow, nodding and keeping her face hidden in her hood.

Sabrina knew she was safe as long as she didn't use any magic, she didn't want to take chances of anyone having been from the town she left, and recognizing her.

The day passed uneventfully, only stopping once for a quick lunch. They passed through the valley, and began entering a slightly wooded area. The trees were lush green, with wide trunks and heavy shade. As the sun set, bathing the world orange and pink, Sabrina looked for a place to sleep for the night.

She settled on a slightly more heavily wooded area, not far from the path.The ground was dry and the tress made her feel secure. She settled herself on the ground, wrapped in her cloak for warmth. It was still early summer, so the nights wouldn't be too cold.

She slept soundly, with flitting dreams of Fi and random landscapes. She was 13, running with Fi on her back, shrieking with laughter down a narrow street. She was 14, she'd broken her arm while climbing, trying to impress Fi. Fi had healed her, comforting her as she sobbed.

Sabrina woke to find Nix nudging her awake. The sun was rising again. She groaned and sat up, her back stiff from the hard, dirt ground.

She decided to walk beside Nix for awhile, to stretch her legs. She ate as she walked and fed Nix his food as well. If Sabrina remembered correctly, there was a guard bridge ahead and she'd  begun to be nervous.

As the sun began to rise, more and more people clogged the path. Sabrina climbed back on to Nix and kept her cloak wrapped around her. Soon she came across a cross roads, the busiest part of the path. She maneuvered her way through groups of people and made it to the other side. They continued on to the bridge, following the flow of people.

"Halt!"cried a voice ahead. She had reached the bridge. It was a simple bridge made of cobblestone. She could hear the river rushing past and felt the immense power. Her heart skipped at it, but she couldn't afford to get distracted.

Flanked on either side of the bridge were two large guards. They wore heavy metal armor and kept swords at their sides. Their faces were hidden by helmets. Across the metal on their chest was the symbol of the Queen, three tall towers,intersected with blue lines,wrapping around the towers.

She'd heard rumors of those towers, they surrounded the Capital and gave off an odd power, something deep. They confused her, for they must be magic but the Queen hated magic.

Sabrina frowned and tucked the thought away for later, she was approaching the guards.

"What is your business for crossing this bridge?" barked the soldier on her left,his voice low and gravely, the taller of the two.

Sabrina bowed her head and lied, "I am newly orphaned sirs and I am going to live with my aunt."

The guards nodded and moved to let her through. She hid her relief, quickly edging Nix on. She was barely on the bridge before she heard, "Wait!"

It was the other guard, his voice shrill and anxious. He jogged up to her and barred her way again.

Sabrina gulped, "Is there a problem, good sir?" She was sweating now, she had no love for guards and her heart rate expressed that.

"You did not say the pledge, " he said in an affronted voice.

Sabrina mentally smacked herself. "Of course, I am sorry." She swallowed her pride and spoke, "Safety and power to the Queen, may she prosper."

The guard nodded and stepped away, walking back to his post to interrogate other people.

Sabrina edged on Nix and they hurried down the road. Sabrina's blood boiled at the thought of the pledge to the Queen,swearing to never do it again.

Here we are again! Thank you so much for reading.  Please leave comments and maybe vote for me. Everything is appreciated.

The Magic Rebellion Trilogy:The Children of Rebellion(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now