Chapter 4:Theodore

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Theodore was awoken to loud pounding on his door. He groaned and stumbled out of bed. He weaved his way to the door, stepping over swords, clothes, and balled up pieces of papers.

I should clean up soon, he thought to himself before reaching his door. He pulled back the deadbolt and edged the heavy, wooden door open a few inches. "What?" He grumbled.

One of his father's guards stood outside his door, his posture stiff and he was saluting. He wore the Rebellion's colors, a dark green tunic and pants, with a bright red sash tied around the middle. The sword at his side was sharp and lethal.

"Sir,"he barked, "your father requests your presence in his chambers this morning."

Theodore winced at the guards voice, nodding. "Tell him I'll be down immediately." The guard nodded and set off briskly down the hall.

Theodore shut his door and leaned his head against it, sighing deeply. A private meeting with his father could only mean bad news for either him or the Rebellion. Theodore stepped away from the door and began his search for his Rebellion greens.

10 minutes later he was strolling through the halls of his home to his father's rooms, his sword by his side. He called it his home but it was more like a compound.

When his father, Cornelius, had become the leader a few years ago, he and Theodore were moved into the main headquarters. The living areas ran the expanse of the entire second floor. The first floor was dedicated to meetings and the use of Rebellion members.

Theodore finally reached his father's rooms, nodded to the guards stationed outside, and stepped inside without knocking.

He passed through the first hallway, passing doors to his father's bedroom and bathroom. At the end of the hall, he stepped into a large open room. It was a scarcely furnished. A hearth stood on the farthest wall, unlit. There were windows on either side of the hearth, letting in a green tinted light from outside. There was a thread bare carpet across the floor.

There was a table directly in the middle, and there his father sat. He was a large man, with a shock of white hair and a long beard. He had cold, blue eyes and his tan face was lined with wrinkles.

He was a stark contrast to Theodore, who had inherited more of his late mother's looks. He was pale with black hair reaching his shoulders and light brown eyes, the only blemish the deep, dark circles under his eyes, a result of too many sleepless nights. Theodore was lithe and tall though, which made him a good fighter, just like his mother had been.

The thought of his mother brought the familiar pain to his chest and his hands clenched. He forced himself to relax and focus. He cleared his throat and waited for his father to notice him.

Cornelius turned and gave Theodore a look of contempt.

"You finally made it, huh? Well, don't just stand there, sit."He commanded, already turning away from Theodore.

Theodore suppressed a sigh and crossed the room, taking a seat. "What have you called me for, father?"he asked, trying to hurry the meeting along.

Cornelius turned back to him again and sighed, "I've received grim news from our allies closest to the Capital. The Queen has decreed that any people thought to be involved with anything to do with the Rebellion shall be taken and 'corrected'."

Theodore sucked in a breathe at the word corrected. The Queen was a harsh ruler with a cruel streak, so he knew that could only mean torture. "Our allies...will they abandon us?" Theodore asked, worry creeping in.

"They have decided to hold for now, but I have no doubt they will flee the moment there is trouble-"

"But they can't," Theodore interrupted loudly,"they're our easiest way to receive news. Without them, we're blind to the Queen's actions!"

Cornelius slammed his fist down on the table and glared, "You don't think I know that! I'm scrambling here. Emileigh down at the Port is thinking about cutting us off, to save her own hide! Camiren, in the palace, has plans to leave the country if things go bad! I'm running out of people here!" Cornelius breathed hard. He stood suddenly and went to the window,looking down at the busy streets below, at the endless expanse of trees.

"This information does not leave this room,do you understand me?"Cornelius said,turning back to Theodore.

Theodore stood and crossed the room, coming to stand next to his father. He nodded.

"The Rebellion is having a difficult time now. Not enough people in the field and willing to do the dangerous stuff. If this keeps up, the Rebellion will fail."

Theodore swallowed hard, his fears confirmed. "I can do it. Let me get a group together. I will succeed." Theodore clenched his fists, waiting.

Cornelius shook his head. "You are the next leader, Theo. Nothing can happen to you."

"But there won't be a rebellion for me to lead if it fails!"Theodore argued, anger flaring.

Not that I want to lead anyway though, Thedore thought but kept it to himself.

"I will handle everything, you are still a child Theodore,"he sighed and waved his hand. "Leave."

Theodore glared and thought about arguing back, to defend his point. In the end, he turned and stomped out, slamming the door.

His blood boiled and his hand itched to punch something. His hand brushed his sword and an idea came to mind. He turned and took the stairs down to the first level. He pushed past people, who parted as soon as they saw who he was. He burst out onto the street and started down the road. The morning was breezy and sun light streamed through the trees above him. He knew exactly where he was going.

Thank you for reading! I hope you're enjoying the story so far.
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The Magic Rebellion Trilogy:The Children of Rebellion(Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant