Chapter 8:Sabrina

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"Stop!"boomed a voice. A man stepped out onto the landing above the stairs, glaring down at the people below. The crowd fell silent and the man on the stairs ceased his struggle with Theodore and Ike. Blood still streamed profusely down Theodore's face.

Sabrina tore her eyes away from the three and looked up at the man. He was a bear of a man, large shoulders and stomach. He had large, wild white hair and a grim face, hidden by a beard. He wore a dark, black tunic with the same blood red sash.Sabrina backed herself up against a wall, frightened slightly.

"Father..."Theodore said, his voice coming out muffled through his hand, trying to stop the flow of blood. Sabrina started and stared at Theodore. Father? she thought, surprised.

"Theodore, go clean yourself up this instant.Ike, go with him."He spoke harshly, barely looking at them. Theodore stood still for a moment, then turned and walked down the stairs. Ike quickly followed, glaring at anyone who looked their way.

Opal rushed forward and began to inspect Theodore's face.  He brushed her off and leaned against the wall, not far from Sabrina. She eyed him warily for a moment, then turned her attention back to the scene.

"Every day the Queen kills innocent magic users and you have done nothing to stop this!"shouted the scarred man. The crowd yelled in agreement. "Shall we just sit by as our fellow man and magic users are slaughtered?" More screams followed. "What are your plans then,huh?" The man panted, red in the face with anger.

Sabrina leaned towards Ike,"Who are these men?"she whispered. Ike turned slightly, not taking his eyes off the thin man.

"The one with the scar is Demetrius Pike. He is in charge of the magic school in the camp. He's always been very...vocal. The man at the top of the stairs in Cornelius Archibald, the current leader of the Rebellion."

Sabrina brows furrowed and looked up at Ike,"Vocal?"

"Yeah,he doesn't agree with anything Cornelius orders and gets away with it because he's good at getting people to agree with him. This isn't a dictatorship. The people's opinions matter."

Sabrina nodded and drew back, bumping into Arian. He turned to her and smiled. She awkwardly smiled back and went to turn away.

"What do you think about all this?"he whispered suddenly and she stopped, looking back. "Our first day here and there's already a riot."

Sabrina shrugged,"People disagree. That's human nature."

Arian smiled again and cocked his head,"Doesn't it worry you? I know you joined to kill the Queen and free your parents. My brother and I joined to avenge our family,didn't we?"

Braylin,grim faced,nodded.

"All I'm saying is we shouldn't be complacent. We need to keep an eye out y'know?" He placed a hand on Sabrina's shoulder and she stiffened. "New kids gotta stick together,right?"

"Right." Sabrina said, her stomach churned and her dizziness intensified, and all she wanted was to get away from him. Arian smiled again and returned to his brother's side.

Sabrina let out a breathe and moved away. She saw Theodore watching her out of the corner of her eye. She cleared her face of emotion, and looked back to the crowd. In this time, the crowd had gotten louder. Cornelius stood at the top and watched, not saying anything.

Finally he spoke up.

"Then what do you suggest we do, Demetrius?" His voice was quite, but carried over the crowd. The crowd hushed and waited for the answer. Demetrius seemed stumped for a moment, then he collected himself.

"We must take action. Send troops into the field. We must strike back against the Queen. Show her we are not weak and that we are here and will not be stepped on." The crowd cheered in agreement.

Cornelius nodded, his face blank. "And will you lead these troops?"

Demetrius gasped and stuttered,"W-well I can't. I am needed here."

"Then who will lead these troops? And who will these troops be? For months, I have asked for volunteers for missions and I have received only a few. You wish to do these things but will not carry out the deeds yourself."

The crowd was silent. Demetrius gaped like a fish, lost for words.

"I will ask this now then. We must act but to act, we need willing people. If you wish for change, stop hiding."Cornelius's voice rose with every word and Demetrius sunk back. "Are there any other objections here?"

It was quite for a moment then,"Sir, the people in the Capital working for us...are they safe?" A woman, older in her years, stepped forward. Sabrina was watching Cornelius and his eyes darted to Theodore's and back.Sabrina squinted, suspicion of the exchange. She saw Theodore shrink back against the wall.

"Of course, Lidia,"Cornelius said at last,"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Cornelius waved his hand and the crowd began to disperse, shame-faced. Demetrius stormed out the doors, a small group of people following after him. Soon, the only people left were them.

"Well,"Opal said, her voice shaky,"that was some nasty business but let's not dwell on it. I'll go get your uniforms and the information for your home locations. Shouldn't take-oh my, are you okay?"

She stepped toward Sabrina who swayed. Sabrina could feel the cold sweat she'd broken out to and she held a hand to her head.

"I just don't...feel very well...really...dizzy."Sabrina felt her words slur together. Her vision blurred and she lost track of things. She saw multiple people step towards her and she flinched back. Her legs gave out and she felt herself fall. Then she felt herself being lifted and carried.

The world rushed past her and noises were muffled to her. She saw a flash of orange above her. Ike? Then there was a golden glow above her and warmth filled her. She drifted off.

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The Magic Rebellion Trilogy:The Children of Rebellion(Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora