Chapter 9:Sabrina

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Sabrina woke in a soft bed and laid still for a moment, her eyes closed. Her mind drifted, trying to remember where she was.

The healer's tent, she remembered suddenly.

Her memory was fuzzy but she remembered being carried through the streets, and a soft, golden light. Healing magic. She'd watched Fi heal before and knew what it looked like.

Sabrina opened her eyes and peered around. She laid in a simple white bed and a light blue cloth curtain was drawn around her area. She could hear quite voices outside,walking past. A low light came through random tears in the tent, and she could smell meat cooking far in the distant, mixing with the smell of smoke. She supposed it was sunset now and that was dinner.

She sat up cautiously, worried she wasn't fully recovered yet. Thankfully, her vision stayed clear and she sighed a breathe of relief.

Sabrina sat quietly for a moment, glad for the quite. Her day has been busy and this is the first time she'd had to relax since arriving here. Her mind raced from all she'd seen.She thought  about the riot in the building and of the shared look between Theodore and his father. While she didn't exactly trust Arian, she saw he was right. She would need to keep her eyes own.

Sabrina shifted slightly and winced.She still felt sore from riding for so long with Nix. She knew he was in the stable somewhere and she resolved to go visit him.

Suddenly, the curtain was drawn back and Sabrina started, her quiet bubble broken. Opal stepped through, shutting the curtain behind her. She swung her long braid behind her and smiled. Sabrina smiled tentatively back, pulling her blanket up more.

"I'm glad to see you up. You gave us quite the scare there. It's a good thing Ike was there to carry you."

Sabrina's faced burned, embarrassed that she'd actually fainted. First, she fell into Theodore's arms and now this.

"S-sorry,"Sabrina muttered.

Opal laughed and took a seat at the end of the bed.

"Don't worry about it, it's what I'm here for. What I'm concerned about is what caused it. Theodore told me you seemed out of it after performing wind magic."

Sabrina nodded, averting her eyes. She knew she shouldn't have shown off, but she had wanted to impress them.

"Well, while I encourage all magic use, you need to know magic comes with a price. Have you learned anything about the negative effects of magic?"

Sabrina shook her head,"I've only just done small wind magic before on my own. No ones ever taught me anything about it, other than it's illegal."

Opal nodded,"That's what I usually hear. Allow me to elaborate. Magic is a powerful force. It was gifted to the human race long ago by Elementals. While it gave us infinite power, it came with a price. It taxes our bodies and weakens us."

Sabrina stared,stunned. Elementals? Infinite power?
A price?

Sabrina sat forward,interested."Elementals? What are those?"

Opal shook her head,"That is a very big topic and I can't cover it all. Don't worry though,"Opal smiled,"you have air magic so you'll be going to the magic school in camp. They'll teach you everything you need to know."

Sabrina felt excitement growing. She'd always wanted to advance her magic and she was finally getting the chance.

Opal touched her shoulder, drawing Sabrina's attention,"You have to know though, you must be careful. Using too much magic at once before you're could burn yourself up. You could die."

Sabrina felt the blood drain from her face. She swallowed her fear, and nodded. She knew she'd need magic to achieve her goals.

Opal nodded, satisfied. "You're free to go. Your uniform is there on the table next to you. Wear it tomorrow. I'll come find you and help you adjust to life here. Here's the directions to your tent."

She handed Sabrina a small roll of paper and smiled,"Don't get into too much trouble."

She left then, leaving the curtain open. Sabrina got of bed, sliding the map into the waistband of her belt, along with her dagger. She found her boots next to the bed and pulled them back on. She gathered her uniform in her arms and peeked out from behind the curtain.

Healers hurried past, going into different curtained areas. The air was warm and soothing. Sabrina looked to her left and saw the way out of the tent. She quickly made her way, avoiding anyone close by.

She left the tent, coming out onto the main path. People of all ages passed her. There were groups of men and woman in uniforms. They kept swords and bows on them, and kept watchful eyes. More people, however,dressed in common tunics and dresses. They went about their daily tasks, carrying baskets and talking to one another. Children ran past, playing games and screaming in delight.

Sabrina was coming to a new understanding of this camp. That it wasn't all Rebellion soldiers. Actually, there weren't even that many soldiers. Most people seemed to be merely civilians. Sabrina could see how there could be a shortage of people out in the field.

Sabrina hurried on, cutting through the crowd. She kept her things close to her, just as she had done while living in town. However, this place had a different atmosphere. Nothing threatened her and she began to relax.

She wandered for awhile, enjoying watching the light of the setting sun pass through the trees above. Suddenly she heard the sounds of horses. She moved passed a group of women and saw the stable. She smiled, delighted to have found it on accident.

She jogged over, her eyes searching for Nix. There, at the end. Nix neighed as she approached, his ears up. Sabrina smiled and stroked his neck.

"Today has been a tiring day Nix,"she mumbled,"I hope yours has been better."

A hand suddenly landed on Sabrina's shoulder and she gasped. She whirled around, her fist already swinging.

Theodore's hand shot up quickly, catching her hand in his, glaring."Calm down before you pass out again."

Sabrina breathe caught and she glared. Just what she needed, more trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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