Chapter 7:Sabrina

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Sabrina's vision blurred again, and she blinked rapidly.

I hope I don't throw up, Sabrina thought to herself, swaying a bit.

They were walking through camp and she could hear Theodore talking but she didn't pay much attention. She was dead on her feet when she arrived, tired from her long trip, and the magic made it worse. Sabrina had never experienced this kind of thing from using her magic before but she'd never used her magic so strongly either.

That's what I get for being a show off.

The group slowed and Sabrina looked up, seeing the first real building in the entire camp. It was huge, at least 2 stories, made entirely of stone. People rushed in and out, all dressed in the same green uniform with the red sash. That bothered her slightly, the sash looking like a wide, bloody wound. She shuddered at the image.

Sabrina had seen people in normal clothes, so she assumed the uniform was only necessary while they were on duty. She knew she'd have to wear this uniform too.

She followed closely behind the group. The two boys in front of her, twins, parted the crowd for her with their broad shoulders. They had shown up not long after her in the woods. They'd sat on the opposite side of the clearing from her in silence. Later, after she had already taken the oath, they were questioned.

Sabrina hadn't paid much attention, only catching their names. Arian, with a long brown hair in a ponytail, and Braylin, his brown hair buzzed short. They both had the same dark, green eyes.

They ascended the stairs and entered the building. They veered to the right, going down a long, dim hallway.

Theodore, his voice echoing down the hall toward her, said they were about to meet a girl named Opal.

Sabrina, anticipation rising, began to push her way through to the front of the group. The door opened and bright light spilled out, making her blink.

A girl stood at the door. She was short but looked strong. She had dark tanned skin and deep red hair, tied into a long braid to her hip. "Welcome!"she cried, a wide grin on her face.

Sabrina could feel a smile start on her face but it was followed by a dampening sadness. She reminded Sabrina of Fi and her chest ached.

"Come in please,"the girl said,"I'm Opal and I'm here to help all new comers. Everyone pile in, mind the weapons. Ike, move you big lug." Opal swatted at Ike, making room for everyone else.

Sabrina, now at the front, came in first. It was a small, stone room, lit by a large fireplace on the left wall. All along the right wall were weapons. Different kinds of bows, swords, and other things Sabrina didn't recognize hung on the wall. In the middle of the room sat a table. It was covered in books and paper. Sabrina stepped closer, and saw they were maps. Maps of the camp, the kingdom, and the capital. It was amazing. She noticed the twins on the other side of the table, the same look of amazement on their faces.

Sabrina stepped closer, her hand reaching out. Suddenly, Opal was there, gathering the maps quickly in her arms. "Oh,don't mind all this!"She chirped, going to the other side of the room and dumping the maps in a basket in the corner.

Sabrina blinked, disappointed but let it go, focusing on Opal. "Are you from the Port?"

Opal smiled,and nodded, adjusting her red sash. "Yes I am. My family came from across the ocean generations ago, when the kingdom was still young and wild. My family is still in the Port, trading.That's where I met Ike."

Sabrina was intrigued. She'd lived in a small village for most of her life, then a small town. She'd never actually met someone from the Port.

The group looked to Ike. He was propped up in the corner of the room, next to Theodore. He raised his eyebrows at the attention.

"Yes, I came here first, then went back and brought Opal when her family hit a rough spot."

"Oh, enough about the past,"Opal said, coming forward to the table."Now, a little information. I am one of the many healers in camp and one of the many teachers of magic. If you have a affiliation for magic we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

"Now, as I'm sure Theo has told you, first we'll set up where you will be living and in a week, you'll be tested to see where you fit in."

Sabrina gulped, a little nervous. She wasn't sure where she fit in. She had her magic, meager as it was. Yet she'd never used a sword or bow in her life. She kept only a small dagger on her person, but she'd never had to use it.

The rest were nodding, seeming sure of themselves. Sabrina could feel herself falling behind already.

"Now about those living arrangements-"

A loud shout cut Opal off and everyone turned towards the door. More voices followed, rising with every moment. Theodore acted first, pulling his sword and striding to the door, throwing it open. Ike and Opal followed quickly after and Sabrina, not wishing to be left behind, hurried after.

The came out into main area and were greeted by a large crowd. They stood at the bottom of the stairs, shouting up. Sabrina noticed a man halfway up the stairs, tall and thin with a bald head, a jagged scar cutting across the top. He shouted the loudest and pointed wildly.

"What are you planning?"he shouted,"You sit up there and do nothing while the Queen still carries out her orders!"

Theodore and Ike pushed through the crowd and reached the man, pulling him back. The man fought wildly and Sabrina saw his elbow slam into Theodore's nose. Theodore reeled back, blood running down his face. Ike raised his fists in retaliation. The crowds yells rose to a crescendo.

"Stop!"boomed a voice from the top of the stairs.

Finally got a chapter out. Please leave a comment and vote if you liked it!

The Magic Rebellion Trilogy:The Children of Rebellion(Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora