Chapter 6:Theodore

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Theodore stared at her, stumped.

"That's...uh,"he said, at a loss for words,"that's quite a statement."

She raised her eyebrows at him, "You asked."

Ike snickered, relaxing his serious face. "I think she's gonna be my favorite." Sabrina rolled her eyes, smiling a bit.

Theodore cleared his throat, "Well,let's finish up and we'll see what happens. Do you have any magical abilities?"

"Air magic."

"Demonstrate." Theodore took a step back. It wasn't everyday a magic user showed up.

He watched her take a deep breath and close her light blue eyes, raising her hands in front of her. Theodore felt pressure build around her. He heard Ike take in a sharp breath, but he didn't turn. Theodore couldn't tear his eyes away.

Her hair whipped around her and the trees shudder with the gathered wind. With sudden movement, startling the whole line, she thrust her hands up. The wind rushed out, blowing Theodore's hair back. The air was filled with the sounds of flapping cloaks and rustling leaves. Finally, the wind settled, returning to normal. The group behind her mumbled, impressed.

Sabrina opened her eyes and smiled. Then she promptly collapsed. Theodore rushed forward, catching her before she hit the ground.

"Woah, I'm fine, I'm fine...,"she said,trying to regain her balance. She stood slowly, shaking off Theo when she was balanced. "I think I just...over did it a bit." Her face was tinged pink, and she was glaring at Theodore.

He blinked, confused and stepped back. "Are you sure?"

"Yes,"she snapped,"let's just get on with it."

Theodore shared a glance with Ike, who only shrugged in answer. "Well alright...the last thing to do is for you to swear to keep this place a secret from the outside, and to know that once you're in the Rebellion, there's no leaving."

Sabrina nodded, determination in her eyes.

Theodore held out his hand and gestured for Sabrina to take it.

"Repeat after me. I, Sabrina , promise to keep the secrets of the Rebellion hidden..."

"I, Sabrina, promise to keep the secrets of the Rebellion hidden..."

"To protect my fellow Rebels with my life..."

"To protect my fellow Rebels with my life..."

"And recognize this contract in-debts me to the Rebellion forever..."

"And recognize this contract in-debts me to the Rebellion forever..."

"Until death."

"Until death." Sabrina finished, her eyes locked on Theodore's.

"Good. Welcome to the Rebellion."

Sabrina smiled, and nodded.

"Alright, please step to the side and wait for everyone else."

The rest of the questions passed quickly, with 2 teenage boys, a husband and wife, and a older man.

"Okay, that's everyone then. Please follow me, and we'll get you set up with your uniforms, living arrangements and jobs."

The group nodded, and Theodore started the tour.

"This is the main rode. It connects every major building. Every tent you see is someone's home. Depending on how many in one group, is the size of the tent.On your right you'll see the Arena. Everyone learns to wield a sword or bow, but depending on your aptitude determines, if you'll be working in the field."

"When do we get to do that?"Sabrina asked, walking to the front of the group. She had been dragging behind the whole time and Theo wondered if she was really as fine as she claimed to be.

"In about a week, we want to get everyone settled first, and understand the rules of the camp."

"Rules?"Sabrina said,wrinkling her nose.

Ike snorted, and turned to look at her,"Just because we're a Rebellion doesn't mean there's no rules."

Sabrina rolled her eyes and returned to her spot in the back.

Theodore continued to give the tour, pointing out the important things.

"There's where most magic studying and practice takes place. We have a good number of magic users of varying skill and we also have quiet a large book selection. No doubt you've heard of the Queen destroying magic books. We've recovered and recreated many over the years."

Theodore went on to point out the healer tent, "Only the sick and healers are allowed in there." Then the gardens and stables. "We grow all our on food and are pretty independent. We also get shipments from the Port every few months." But for how much longer? Theodore pushed the unwanted thought away, guilt heavy on his shoulders.

Soon, they reached the Headquarters. It was extremely busy at this time and people milled everywhere, shouting over one another to be heard. They weaved through the crowd, made easier by Ike's intimidating height and Theodore's status.

They went into the building and took a right, passing the staircase and entering a side passage. It was dimly lit with torches and a welcome quite after the crowd outside.

"We're taking you to Opal now. She's in charge of setting you up with everything you need. Then Ike will tell you the rules. After that,you're free to wander camp. In a week's time, I'll come collect you and we'll figure out where you fit in." Theodore said, his voice echoing slightly.

They came to a large wooden door, and Ike pushed it open, light spilling out into the passage. Theodore blinked, his eyes struggling to adjust.

"Welcome!"cried a voice from within.

Here it is! I hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote if you'd like. I appreciate it so much!

The Magic Rebellion Trilogy:The Children of Rebellion(Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang