Chapter 2:Sabrina

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"Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, for the thousandth time."

Fi rolled her eyes, and went back to fidgeting with Sabrina's pack, checking and rechecking everything. Her face was softly illuminated by the torches lining their part of the tunnel. "I'm just checking, you don't want to get out there and realize you've forgotten something."

"How could I forgot anything with you breathing down my neck?"Sabrina snickered, pulling away and skipping out of Fi's reach.

In Sabrina's mind, she was more than ready to go.

She wore her thickest and comfiest blue cloak over a loose grey shirt and black pants. Her belt was tight around her, holding a hidden dagger in place. Her boots were sturdy and would last a long time. Her pack was stuffed with food, water, and clothes she had spent months collecting.

Sabrina even had some reliable transportation, having been able to scrap together enough gold, not all through good deeds, to buy a horse.

Fi was Fi though.

"Are you sure you've got everything?"


Fi studied Sabrina's face and nodded, worry flashing in her eyes.

"What is it?"Sabrina asked,worried.

Fi took a deep breathe and let it out slowly, "What if you can't find them? What if your sources were wrong?" Guilt was written all over her face.

Sabrina felt herself stiffen and turn away from Fi.

"I will find them." Sabrina said through clenched teeth.

Sabrina understood Fi's worry but she didn't have time for doubt. For she wasn't just trying to escape this terrible town and start a new life. She was on a mission. A mission she'd known she was going on since the fateful day that her home and family were taken from her.

She'd been young, no older than 11. She'd been carefree in her magic and her town, blowing leaves about and kicking up dirt into small cyclones. She hadn't known about the laws then, only that she must never do magic in front of a guard. That's what her father and mother had taught her. She had tried her best, but word got out.

Soon, they arrived in hoards, men in big armor carrying torches and swords. They began to light houses on fire, forcing families out of their homes. Some were murdered, right there on the street, blood bathed in bright fire light. Some were taken, to be put to work as slaves in the Capital.

Sabrina's parents had seen these men coming, and to spare their daughter's life, made a decision.

They'd run to the edge of town and thrown Sabrina on to a horse and told her to run. Run and don't look back. Keep going until the horse couldn't go any farther. She cried and screamed and begged to stay with them.

Then the men were upon them. They grabbed her parents, pulling them to the ground and tying them up, Sabrina screaming all the while. When they came for her, the horse panicked, bolting off into the night.

Sabrina didn't know how long she road for or what direction she was going. She must have fallen asleep at some point. When she woke, she was tumbling off the horse, and slamming her head, knocking herself unconscious.

When she awoke again,it was to the face of Fi,only 8 then, bending over her and nursing her wounds. With no where to go, she stayed with Fi and learned to survive on the streets. She'd been here now for 5 years. In this time she always listened for information.

Through this she learned of slaves, the illegal use of magic, the horrendous Queen, and the Rebellion.

When the Queen had come into power, she had banned all magic, and promised harsh punishment to any village or family to be harboring magic users. Sabrina, after learning this, was wracked with guilt, knowing that it was she who brought the men to her village.

The Rebellion however, had been a wonderful thing to learn of.

Magic users  and the common people banding together, hiding, waiting to strike down the terrible Queen. That's who Sabrina was looking for. She knew if she wanted to rescue her parents and stop the Queen, she needed to join up with them.

Sabrina sighed, and cleared her mind of everything but her mission. She turned back to Fi and forced a smile. "Just trust me,okay?"

Fi smiled weakly and nodded, "Let's get you outta here."

They walked together, arm and arm out of the tunnels, weaving past others and making their way back to the tunnel entrance.

Sabrina pushed up, forcing the air to grab around the grate and lift. Fi climbed through first, with Sabrina's bags and then helped hoist Sabrina herself up. She quietly replaced the grate and gave Fi a thumbs up.

They took off quietly into the night, their hoods pulled up and their steps swift, the only light coming from the moon. They passed quiet homes with dark windows. They weaved through the market, dark and silent at this hour. Soon they were approaching the town gates. They nodded at the guards and passed through, stepping onto the main cobbled road.

A few feet down the road, a hooded man waited for Sabrina, a light brown,speckled horse beside him. Sabrina thanked him and he left quickly.

Probably off to shadier deals, thought Sabrina.

Fi helped to secure Sabrina's packs and stepped back as Sabrina swung herself onto the horse.

"Know where you're going?"

"Due North 60 miles ,cross the bridge, turn West and, ride until you see the forest." Sabrina recited from memory.

Fi smiled and reached up to squeeze Sabrina's hand, "Good luck,friend."

Sabrina smiled and got one last look at her savior and her best friend, "Don't have too much fun without me."

Fi grinned and stepped back. Sabrina knew it was time to go. She urged the horse forward and started her way down the path.

Hello again! Thank you for reading! Please leave comments and vote if you'd like. I'd really appreciate it!

*Picture is a young Sabrina

The Magic Rebellion Trilogy:The Children of Rebellion(Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin