Chapter 1: Battle of the Groups.

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DISCLAIMER: In order to make everything match up, I'll be switching up time periods/events a bit. Please, don't be confused. I'm just trying to make out everything as how I imagined. ENJOY!

TLC is with the CrazySexyCool look...but the time periods are in 1990-1996 for the girls. But character like Pebbles will be included with them. Y'all will understand as the story progresses. NWA's look is in the 1989-1992 years.

Looks are in the multimedia.



Lisa's POV.

Arsenio Hall Show: January 1990.

"Girls, you're up in twenty minutes. Get your mics ready." a male director called from the door.

We were shooting a live episode of The Arsenio Hall Show, but tonight was different. It was a Battle Of The Groups special. In this episode, two major hip hop groups would be battling head to head, kinda like a battle of the sexes, but with a twist. So far, the interesting part of the whole ordeal is that we didn't know what group we would be battling. That was kept a secret from us.

But trust me, I was beyond hyped. Currently, Rozonda, Tionne and I were snacking on bowls of baked treats and candies while doing final touchups on our hair and makeup.

"Girls? Y'all are still in here? I know you guys heard him! Up in a twenty minutes! Can't be sitting there like slugs." Pebbles, our manager ordered while clapping her hands together before heading out the room after the director.

Rozonda groaned, sitting up in her seat. "Man, why is she always bossing us around? We can't do this, we can't do that! Let her come back in here and she'll see what my fist can do."

Tionne and I laughed out at Ro's response. Ro wasn't really the blunt one in the group, but here and there, she would always speak her mind. "Girl, don't let her hear you say that 'fore we lose our manager. I agree, she's bossy as hell, but y'all know it's the struggle to find good ones out here." I know I didn't like some things about Pebbles, but I also wasn't in love the life I lived before Pebbles. I was grateful. I stuffed a few M&M's in my mouth while looking in the mirror.

Honestly, I felt like cleaning all this shit from my face. I didn't need makeup, and neither did T and Ro. Pebbles wanted it on us 'cause we refused to wear them tight clothes everybody was wearing. If I was to need makeup, I personally felt as if I would be doing it on my own. I know what fits me and I know that I'm fine. Got us looking like fools.

I quickly grabbed an exfoliating wipe to clean my face. I wiped my face off in a hurry, so that I'd have time to perfect my makeup. Twenty minutes was good enough time for me.

Tionne took notice and began to question my actions as she got close to my seat. "Uh, girl? What you doing?"

"They got us looking like clowns! I know damn well that I wanna look good. If y'all want to look good too, y'all should follow my lead."

"Shoot, I'm with you." Tionne agreed, also grabbing a wipe. Ro soon caught the drift, and soon, we were all revamping our faces.

Fifteen minutes passed and we were all looking like Ebony magazine models.

"Now that is what I call doing makeup! Got us looking like Ronald McDonald. I wasn't having it." I said as I popped my lips together, smiling at my now satisfying look in the mirror.

"Five more minutes!" the same male director announced from the door once more.

I wanted to make sure I looked good for not only for myself, but for the audience...oh, and for the opponent group. What if it was SWV? I know they ain't like us at all. We're in the middle of a sales race on who would make the best chart-topping hits. Since we weren't sure who the other team was, our appearance had to be poppin'...just in case.

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