Chapter 10: In My Business.

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After years of not updating...


Lisa's POV.

"Girl, Ro's been a mess lately. I don't know what's going on between her and Dallas but they gotta get their shit together." Tionne notified me via phone as I leaned up against the wall in the lounge, listening in to what she had to say. It was late night, around eight.

We were all allowed to make one phone call a day, the time limit being until ten so I made sure to put in a call whenever I needed to.

"What do you mean?" I questioned. I thought back to my court day when Ro was acting all bitchy. It wasn't her usual self and was something new to me.

"She's been coming over to my house late night crying, talking about how she hates herself and that she "didn't want to do it," but then when I asked her what exactly it was, she wouldn't tell me anything." she explained. I scrunched my face up.

From what I was hearing, it sounded like rape. "Dallas raped her?!"

"Girl, I cannot tell. She's not spilling anything to me."

This was just too weird. Dallas better not be doin' anything to her or else he was going to end up like Andre in a split second. The next minute, Tupac sauntered into the room with a bottle of water and stood by the music player.

"Try to get it out of her. One day it's gonna eat her up," I said, shocking Pac in the process. I saw him jump a little. He turned back to look at me then went back to whatever he was doing. "Anyways, I got to go. I'll try to call you next week."

"Aight, I love you, girl."

"Same. Peace out." I said, hanging up the phone afterwards.

"You didn't have to hang up just 'cause I walked in. I was minding my own." Pac spoke. He was messing around with the music player, trying to get it to work. I began walking over to him and shrugged my shoulders.

"It was a personal conversation so I had to." I watched him struggle to get the player to turn on and chuckled. The boy was impatient. In order for the machine to turn on, you had to hold down the power button.

"What you laughing at?" he turned to me.

"I'm laughing at you." I moved his finger from the power button and replaced it with my own, turning on the machine. Pac just stood there in awe. "You have to press down on it for a few seconds or else it'll just boot up then boot down if you keep pressing it."

He scoffed and began searching through the records that were neatly stacked beside the player. "I knew that."

"Sure you did. You should also know that we only got the Beatles in there."

"The Beatles? You gotta be kidding me." Pac said as he began squinting his eyes at me.

"I'm playin' with you. Put on something good because I'm staying in here too." I said, taking a seat on the couch. Some seconds later, Toni Braxton's "Love Shoulda Brought You Home," began playing.

"Really? Toni?" I questioned as he plopped besides me.

"Have you looked into the collection? I'm not in the mood to listen to any of them artists. She's the best that's in there."

I shrugged and lifted my legs, straightening them out on his lap. "I don't mind. She's pretty new and she's also on our label, LaFace."

Pac looked at me with a brow raised but I stared right back at him. "You comfortable?"

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