Chapter 5: Breakfast Dates.

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Eazy, Bianca, Nathalia and Tre in the multimedia!

Thank you all for reading my story, I appreciate it.



Lisa's POV.

The following morning, I woke up feeling groggy and sore. I remembered that I had gone to bed crying over Andre's ass.

Yea, I said Eric had made my night better, but all that went down the drain the moment I got into bed and was bombarded with thoughts. I trudged out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, taking care of my morning hygiene which meant brushing my teeth and a warm shower. 

Today was a free day, but tomorrow the girls and I would be meeting with Pebbles to put together the ideas we had so far for the Grammys. I decided to lounge in. I wasn't feeling outside as much. I deserved to stay in and mope around.

Instead of making myself breakfast, I brought out one of the many cartons of Breyer's extra creamy vanilla ice cream from the freezer, whipped out a spoon, and settled myself in front of the television, watching whatever was on BET.

Lucky for me, Boomerang was on and I decided to tune in to see what was up. Halle Berry couldn't have looked any better. Her looks were soft on the eyes. I still have yet to meet her.

I dug away at my ice cream, sitting Indian style on the couch. My pager beeped, notifying that I had gotten an alert and I checked it, only to see that it was from Andre.

What did he want from me? He sure wasn't thinking about me last night when he was kissing up on that lil ho. Now that I caught him in his mess, he wanted to act like he was.

I ignored his page and continued to snack on my cold treat. Boomerang ended about an hour and a half later. I was still left with an empty ice cream carton and a handful of alerts on my pager—all from Andre.

My house phone began ringing and honestly, I was fed up with this nonsense. Andre wouldn't give me a break.  I leaned over to pick up the phone which was placed on the small table next the couch. "What the hell do you want, Andre?" I spoke in an aggravated tone.

"If that's how you gon' talk like, I definitely don't want anything." a resonant, manly voice spoke on the other line.

Shit, wrong person. Too bad I ain't recognize the voice. "Not to be rude or anything but who is this?" I questioned.

"You forgot about me already? It's Eric." he replied, finally revealing himself. My eyes widened in embarrassment.

"I am so sorry. I-I a-ain't mean to answer like that. It's ju-just..." I stuttered out. I really gotta get myself one of them caller IDs everybody's jacking nowadays. It could do me some good.

"Somebody's buggin' you?"

"You can say that. What's good? Is everything alright?" I wasn't expecting his call, not this early. I was curious to know why he was calling.

"Yeah, I'm cool. I just wanted to see if you'd go out with me to get some breakfast at Denny's."


"Chiiiill, I'm already sensing that I-got-a-boyfriend speech. I know you got a boyfriend."

Though that was kind of debatable at the moment, I still pried in. "If you know, then why are you still trying to get a hold of me?"

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