Chapter 2: Music and Making History.

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For the little rap part here, I used SOC (NWA) & Das Da Way We Like 'Em (TLC) for the lyrics. The TLC song is in the multimedia.

I hope y'all enjoy!


Lisa's POV.

We went to commercial break and during the break, the directors came out from backstage to hand us buzzers for the game. Our chairs were removed from the stage and were replace with two long podiums, one on one side for the boys and the other on our side.

"Lisa, girl, you gotta quit. You managed to play that shit off so smoothly." Rozonda commented as we waited for the break to end.

"Can't I laugh? I don't know why that Eazy guy was all up on my grill. I think he got a problem." It wasn't my fault that he heard me snickering.

"Problem? You were the one chuckling every five seconds when nobody told a joke. I woulda thought you had a problem. You lucky you're my girl. If you wasn't I would flamed that behind so quick."

"You could've shared the joke with me. I wanted to laugh too." Tionne added in.

Wanting to end the conversation, I waved my hand at them. "Y'all hush." I looked out into the crowd, still waiting for the commercial time to pass. "Yeah, them girls are wild." I heard one of the guys mumble in their own corner. Pft, they haven't seen wild yet.

Arsenio quickly appeared from backstage and positioned himself center stage, mentioning that we would return in a few seconds. The director yelled action and Arsenio put on his TV persona once more. "And we're back. Welcome once again to the best show on late night. With us we've got NWA and TLC, and right now we're about to play some music trivia. Are you all ready?" he questioned, looking first at us, then to the boys, then out the crowd.

"Yeah!" the boys said in unison. "Always." I said lowly.

"Let me lay down the rules. I'll be asking the questions and the first person from a team to press their buzzer gets to answer. If he or she answers incorrectly, they don't get the point and the other team gets to answer. If that team answers right, the point goes to them. Understand?"

I nodded my head, completely understanding the rules.

"And a message to the crowd: No calling out the answers 'fore I call security. We got cameras watching." Arsenio joked lightly, getting a chuckle from the crowd. "First question. Finish the lyrics, "Oh, I wanna dance with somebody, I wanna..."

One of the boys quickly buzzed and the spotlight went to the person who pressed the buzzer, which was DJ Yella. "That's easy. I wanna feel the beat with somebody."

Are you serious? Everybody knew Whitney lyrics. A loud buzzing sound sounded through the speaker. "Wrong! Girls, do you have the correct lyrics?" The spotlight went over to us and Tionne did the honors of correcting Yella's mistake.

"It's I wanna feel the heat with somebody." she said with a laugh following. I mean, who wouldn't? Point goes to us.

"Really, nigga? Beat? I should beat yo ass." Eazy said to Yella. "My bad! They both sound the same." Yella replied, his voice raising a bit.

"One point for the girls, zero for the boys. Next question."

Eric's POV.

That girl Left Eye, right? She had the nerve to laugh. She gon' see what funny is when her and the rest of tender loving care lose. Yella, of course, wasn't making it any easier for us with his stupid ass.

Same Crew. [TLC/NWA/Tupac Fanfiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora