Chapter 9: Nominations.

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We've lost another Beautiful One.

RIP PRINCE. 1958-2016.

And RIP Lisa Lopes. 1971-2002. WE MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY, MISS CRAZY!


Lisa's POV.

It's been my first week at the center. Things weren't as bad as I thought. Angel and I have become really close, the same goes with Jackson, though I still gotta keep my distance because sometimes he be acting wild.

I had just finished taking a shower and was getting ready for the yoga session we were scheduled to have three times a week. Dressed in a matching gray bra and panties, I searched through my drawers for something comfortable to wear. That was when Jackson jolted into the room. The reason? I'm still not sure of.

"Jackson!" I shouted while scrambling to grab anything nearby to shield my body.

Jackson's mouth dropped as he used his hands to cover his eyes, but I could sense that he was peeking. I was trying to wonder why the hell he was still standing there looking like booboo the fool caught in the headlights.

"The fuck? Why are you just standing there? Leave!" Without another word, he did as he was told, shutting the door behind him.

Angel did a great job at jinxing it the first time Jackson barged in without knocking. Majority of the issue came from Jackson himself, but at the same time, none of the doors had locks, making everyone susceptible to getting walked in on.

This should've increased the chances of him knocking, though. He's been here longer than me so he already knew the rules.

I finally put together the outfit I wanted as Angel appeared from the bathroom a few minutes later, her hair dripping from the shower. She was wearing a black tank top with grey leggings and Nikes.

"I heard yelling. What happened?" she questioned while drying off her hair with a towel.

I shook my head. "Jackson walked in while I was changing."

"It happened to me before. But he's cute for a chico blanco so I didn't mind much. I think he does it on purpose now. He knows that these doors don't lock."

"That's what I'm saying!"

"Now, I just get dressed in the bathroom."

No wonder why she was already dressed when she came out. It made sense. I had to get into the habit too. I also noticed that Angel called Jackson cute.

"You like Jackson?"

"Correction, liked. We had a little fling when I first came. It's all history now. Marcus got a good eye on him, he should go get a piece of that." she laughed.

Marcus was one of the guys. He was in his late twenties, was gay and since I've been here, all he's been trying to do was get with Jackson. Every chance he got, he would talk to Jackson saying, "Hey, baby boy," or "Come over here and let me show you a good time." Jackson, on the other hand, hasn't been very friendly about it. He always responded rudely and was a bit extra with it all.

I had nothing against gays. I was all about the rainbow, but clearly Jackson wasn't. It was hilarious to see him squirm.

"Why'd y'all stop?"

"Perra, I said that it's all history!" Angel snapped immediately. Uh, who was she getting an attitude with? And did she just call me a bitch in Spanish?

Same Crew. [TLC/NWA/Tupac Fanfiction]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant