First Glance

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Meet Amanda Williams.

A fun loving girl, the one with sarcastic comebacks and the one who believes to enjoy every moment of life..

She is the one who lives each day,
And spreads smile all the way..

But what will happen when, the one she loves the most, leaves..

She tries to move on, but fails many times..

Finally when she is about to give up, she finds a book, written by him..

Who is he and what is there in this book??

Well, join her in this roller coaster ride and find it..

My lovely readers.. This is my first attempt to write and publish..

I hope you all like it. Its an unedited story, with lots of typo errors, grammatical mistakes and sometimes somethings might not make sense..

Kindly instead of criticizing and getting angry, I would request you all to highlight them.

I will try my best to change it.. I promise..

And yes.. This is a fiction. No characters or story parts have any connection or relevance to anyone in real life..

I am the creator of this story and no one else has any right over it. So if you find anyone else using, publishing or illegally doing anything with my story, my humble request to all of you to inform me!!!

Also, i avoid all kind of cussing. None of my chapters or future books will have any cuss word..Hence i request all of you to refrain from using any such bad words..

Thank you for checking out my story..

Love you all..

I'll be back soon with a new update!!

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