Chapter Twelve : My house is a mad house!

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'Initial few steps' are the foundation of your journey. Like, either you may take the step two very quickly or may have to struggle for it for a little while longer.

No matter how much time you take to climb up to step two, it does not matter. What matters is how you took it.

Take your time. Explore the path and then take the next step. Learn as much as you can today so that this experience will help you in later part, not only for a speedy climb but also for a meaningful growth.

You shall not have to look down or back down or retrace your steps, if you decide today, with first knowing all the pros and cons and then moving up.

Do not forget - Learning is as much important as achieving success.

Therefore, the next step is for learning!

Learn to laugh! Learn to live in today. Learn to appreciate and see what you have than what you do not. Learn to rejoice what you have achieved so far instead of crying over what you have not! Lastly, learn to spread happiness and gather the moments.


Chapter Twelve : My house is a mad house!

I was exchanging books in the locker room. Exchanging current ones with those that had homework or upcoming tests.

I was just about finish when I heard Sandy's voice, "You knew it all the while, didn't you?"

I closed my locker and found her standing beside me giving me a look that said 'spill everything now' and I nodded with a wide smile.

"So spill and no spare," she said and I explained everything that happened since last night in detail until she exchanged her set of books.

We were laughing by the time I reached to the part where Nats called me in the morning to say that either she or Vinnie shall drive my car to school, as their mother banned Donnie from driving for a while, so I had Sandy give me a ride instead.

"I..I cc-can't believe it. It will be sooo embarrassing for him to say that his mother banned him! I mean he is afterall the dude of the school!" she said and we laughed even harder.

"But I think the whole school knowing that this DUDE is so light hearted, this must be equally embarrassing, if not more" I said in between my laughter thinking about what had happened after Walter's worldwide declaration about his assumption that Donnie had piles!


And that was it. Nats and I could not contain our laughter anymore and our laughter cut through the ear piercing silence, echoing all around!

Soon others came out of their shock zone and joined us.

Vinnie got up and announced to all, after we stopped laughing or atleast were attempting to control it under Donnie's glare, "None of it is his fault! It was me!" but before she could explain further, Bella interrupted "See I was right. It takes two to tango!"

We laughed again and Tom scolded, "Let her complete atleast. No one shall interrupt now!"

Vinnie tired of all the drama said "Thanks Charlie. And no, we did not.. Tango stuff, nor does Ron have Piles or any such disease for that matter."

Finally, everyone was told what happened, but it became even more embarrassing, now that the dude, the football champ of our school was so light hearted, was known to all!

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