3 The Will to Fight

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"We are outgunned." General Washington growls at the crowd of soldiers surrounding him. Among the throng Alexander stands.


Alexander watched his speech with interest. He promised himself that he would do everything in his power to protect his country from the danger looming ahead. He knows that he used to wish desperately for a war, for a slim chance at survival to get his name known, and yet now it seems realer than ever. His heart beats solemnly in his chest, the same heart that longed so desperately for battle.

"British Admiral Howe's got 32,000 troops stationed all over New York Harbor! And what are we to do?!" Washington asked the crowd.
Several men raised their hands shyly, but lowered them when they realized that Washington was not looking for a response.

"We are going to fight!" He shouts. The men cheer loudly.

"This is not for the weak of heart, I assure you." Washington adds. "Men are going to bleed." The crowd grows solemn.

"Men are going to die."

The terrified silence was deafening.

"To lower the body count we all must rise up!" Washington shouts.

Alexander feels a spark of determination inside his chest as the meeting is adjourned.

He's heading toward the bar to tell Lafayette, Laurens, and Mulligan of the moving speech, but a young teen approaches him. "M-Mister Hamilton, sir?" The boy stammers.


"The General would like to see you, s-sir." He says and quickly leads him to the office.

Alexander feels his stomach drop.

As the boy leads him to the door, Alexander hears voices coming from inside.

"He seems busy-" he tries to tell the boy, but he's gone.

Alexander taps the back of his hand on the wooden door. "Your Excellency?" He asks softly.

Washington answers the door and Alexander realizes with a start that he had underestimated the sheer looming height of the general. Alexander swallows and looks up at him.

Washington nods his approval. "Hello, Hamilton. I've noticed you."

He steps aside. "Come in."

Alexander steps inside and notices quickly that he is not alone. Aaron Burr stands against the wall.

"Hamilton, have you met Burr?" Alexander nods, as does Burr.

"Like I was saying, sir-" Burr tries to continue, but Washington silences him with a look.

"Burr. Leave us. And..." Washington glances toward the entrance. "...close the door on your way out."

Alexander could tell Burr was stung by the general's dismissiveness, yet he just dipped his head respectfully and walked out, closing the door gently.

"Hamilton, I know you stole British cannons downtown." Washington says.

Alexander swallows again. "Am I in trouble, sir?"

"Far from it. I need your services as a soldier." Washington straightens up. "I'm in dire need of assistance with the trouble that Admiral Howe has been throwing our way. You're very intelligent with military strategies, and I would like to use your gift to our advantage."

Alexander blinks. "Really? I-I mean, yes, sir! I would be honored to help you."

Washington nods. "Now, I would like to discuss our severe lack of men to fight. Is there any way you could help us?"

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