Chapter 7 - Bullet Proof

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Chapter 7


It should have been a pretty easy night at work for me, but it was far from. Lover's night at the club continuously proved to be nothing but trouble. Boyfriend drama, girlfriend drama—and it all happened at my workplace, every last Friday of the month.

Usually it's nothing I can't handle, there's always some solution to deescalating the situation. But tonight, something felt different. The music in club X was booming, and the crowd had reached full capacity since 9pm, usually how it is on lover's day. I stood in the backroom, massaging my temples as the bass from the speakers only worsened my headache.

The argument that Ben and I had earlier had left me in a distasteful mood. Slowly, I ran a hand through my raven coloured hair then grabbed the case of beer that I'd originally gone into the back for. I'd caught Ben in a compromising position with a brunette, again. It wasn't the first time if I was being honest.

But I couldn't stand to see that he was taking Ashley for granted. I confronted him about it, and he promised me that he wasn't sleeping with the brunette. Somehow, I found myself believing him. He was my brother of course, and we never lied to each other.

Besides me keeping the fact that I wanted to fuck his girlfriend from him—we were mainly on the same page. I continued pouring drinks, ignoring the throbbing in my skull as I pleased the drunken customers.

An hour had gone by, and my headache begun to fade slightly but my mood was still shit. Just as I'd returned from the backroom with another crate of beers, there was a commotion in a dark corner of the club. After skimming the room, I'd realized that the bouncers were nowhere to be found.


I hopped over my counter, and nodded towards the customers; silently explaining that I was just checking out the situation. I shrugged through the crowd, and met up with a red haired woman, crouched in the corner.

The man towering over her had blood on his knuckles, and a small handgun—a .22 caliber. He kept tapping the butt of the gun on his forehead, his mouth slobbering as though he had been bawling recently.

"Hey," I reached out for his hand softly. "What's going on here?"

"Stay out of this!" he spat, turning back to the woman. "Every night, every Friday night I see you here with him. What you thought you could fucking play me?" he sent his leg flying into the redhead's stomach.

I winced, grabbing his arm again. "Chill out man, put the gun away."

"I told you stay out of this!" he swung his fist at me. He was clumsy, and I managed to dodge him pretty easily. The surrounding on lookers had begun to back away once they'd seen the gun clutched in his palm.

I threw a punch at him stomach, only winding him slightly. The next one was aimed for his jaw, and the punch hurt me a lot more than it hurt him. Where the hell are the bouncers? His body was buff, so the next move I make, has to be my last. The dark haired man reacted a lot faster than I'd calculated.

He quickly cocked the gun, and a loud bang was heard. There was a burning in my side, but I knew that the bullet had only brushed me. It seemed like he didn't know about the full force of the gun since his hand flew back a little. While the smoke was still in the air I jumped on him, removing the gun from his grasp.

I could feel the blood trickling down my side, and it was making me a little dizzy. My dark hair was slick back, almost drenched in sweat as I pointed the small gun at him.

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