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You made it home this time without seeing that guy but he wasn't on your mind anymore. You just knew you had to keep it a secret. It wouldn't be fair to Ema. She cares about everything to much. You know that she would just start to freak out about it. You jumped onto your bed and let out a long sigh.
After about an hour of sitting on your bed thinking you heard the door ring. You slowly got up and you heard it again. "I'm coming!" You said as you got closer to the door. The door swung open  before you could even reach for it to see Ema. Oh no. He told her. You could tell from the way she looked. Her eyes were starting to fill with tears and the next thing you knew she was hugging you as tightly as she could. You looked in the door and saw Subaru standing there scratching his his neck. You sighed and hugged Ema back. "Ema I'm fine don't worry about me." All she did was shake her head. After sighing again you looked up at Subaru and he looked away. "Ema please stop worrying about me. I'm fine." "(Y/n) stop saying that. Last time you said you were fine I didn't hear from you for almost a month!" She slowly let you go and you could see tears in her eyes. "I don't want to lose you for that long again."
After talking for a while her and Subaru left. You fell back onto your bed and tried to go to sleep but couldn't. After thirty minutes of tossing and turning you decided to get food and went into the kitchen to make you favorite snack y-f-f. Once it was done you went back into your room and started to read one of your many mangas. About 30 minutes later you fell asleep and when you awoke you checked your phone.

Ema: Good morning (y/n)!
Ema: Wake up you'll be late for school.
Ema: Where are you? Are you still asleep?!

You checked the time and notice school was already almost over. In a panic you tried to get all your stuff together but realized you'd either be yelled at by a teacher or get detention so instead you'd just say you were sick. A couple hours later you heard the door bell ring again. Quickly you got up to see who it was. It was Ema but she had someone with her. Without know who the person was with her you still opened the door. "(Y/n)! Why weren't you at school? Are you feeling ill? I could make make some soup for you." With a small laugh you say to her "No Ema I'm fine. I overslept and it was already half way over so I just stayed home." She sighs relieved to hear that you're feeling fine.

You look at her and point to the tall man behind her who has been looking around the room. "Oh (y/n) this is one of my other brothers. His name is Natsume. I asked him if he could drive me here to see how you were doing. He helps make the games that we love." With a smile you nod your head at him "I'm (y/n), nice to meet you Natsume." He looks at you for the first time since entering your home "Hello (y/n), it's nice to meet you." After that he doesn't say anything to you and looks around the room again. Ema hands you a small thing of papers from school and you toss them on a table saying that you'll do it later even though you don't want to.

After a few hours of talking about what you missed in your classes and the new games that Natsume has brought to her Ema called to her older brother asking what time it was. "It's 7:00" he says checking his phone. "Oh gosh (y/n) I didn't realize the time. Natsume and I should go back or we'll miss out on dinner." Without think you tell her that she should stay and that you'll cook something up for the two of them and yourself. "I don't want to impose on you (y/n)." "Don't worry Ema I don't mind. I've been wanting to do something for you anyway since you let me stay the night at your house a little while ago."

Without letting Ema or her brother say anything you quickly go into the kitchen and take out plates setting up the small table. Hesitantly both Ema and her brother move and sit. "Thank you (y/n) this is very nice of you to do for us. This seems like doing a lot." Ema says to you once she sits "Don't worry Ema I really don't mind at all. It's the least I can do for how nice you've been to me lately and for the other night." Quickly making enough food for the three of you, you place in in front of them gimping that they'll like it. Ema starts eating it knowing no matter what you make she'll love. After starting yours you notice that Natsume seemed to be enjoying his food and eating it quickly. Smiling to yourself you eat yours.

        Once all three of you were done eating you took the three plates into the kitchen placing them into the sink to wash later. After entering the room you smile at the two of them "I hope you both liked your food I made for you." Smiling back at you Ema said "I loved it and I'm guessing Natsume liked it too seeing how fast he eat it." With a chuckle he have a small nod and said while also smiling at you. "I did very much enjoy the meal thank you (y/n)." Smiling at both of them again you looked up at your clock near a window and saw it has already been another thirty minutes. "I'm god I'm sorry that I've kept you two here so long I bet your other brothers must be wondering where you two are. I'm sorry Ema and Natsume." Ema looked at the clock then at her brother. "Maybe we should go. They do worry a or about me and your cats must be hungry." With a nod Natsume stood up and thanked you again for the food while Ema was saying goodbye to you.

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I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE THIS CHAPTER. I wrote it before but didn't like how it was and then I rewrote it and then the app wasn't working and it was a mess. But I'm going to try to write a little bit everyday with a new brother for you to read about. And I know this chapter is pretty bad but I'll get into it again. I promise <:
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So Many Brothers ! (Brothers Conflict x Reader)(not writing anymore)Where stories live. Discover now