Chaper 1: Nightmares

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Pairing: Misaki x Usagi
Misaki never slept without Usagi. He never even thought about closing his eyes before he was safely huddled up against Usagi-San. Never. He was way too scared for his nightmares he had been having for the past couple weeks. They were always the same.

"Misaki was standing there, unable to move or talk. Everything around him was white as new-fallen snow. It was quiet. You could've heard a pin being dropped on the other side of the big emptiness. If there even was any other side.
Suddenly the silence is replaced by screaming, shouting, hysterical crying. The white walls turn red and black. The emtiness seems to fill up with... something.
Misaki goes almost deaf because of all the noise. And suddenly there he is. Usagi-San, strapped into a chair. He isn't screaming or shouting nor crying. He's just sitting there, staring at nothing really.
Misaki gets his abilities to move and talk back. He starts walking towards Usagi-San, trying to make some kind of contact with him, but he still proceeds to stare at nothing.
Suddenly everything goes black. Misaki can't even see his own hands in front of him.
Then the lights turn back on, showing a gruesome image of Usagi-San, still strapped in the chair, but this time with a deep and bleeding wound on his neck. He still just stares, this time right at Misaki.
Misaki tries to scream, but only manages to make a wierd, hissing noise. The tears start to burn behind his eyes.
Then the lights go out again. Then back on, now showing Usagi-Sans head almost chopped off. Misaki covers his eyes with his own hands, but the imaginary has already taken place in the back of his mind... and he can't get them out."

He would always wake up screaming Usagi-Sans name and crying. And Usagi-San would always arrive there to comfort him.
After awhile Usagi-San decided to take Misaki into his bedroom. This way he could keep an eye on him, and maybe it would help Misaki with his nightmares. It did. After that, Misaki has been sleeping besides Usagi-San.
Today was a hell of a missfortune for him.

Usagi-San had called Misaki in the late evening, telling him he'll be stuck at work longer than what he had expected. He gently asked Misaki to try to get some sleep, and that he'll be there as soon as he can.

Misaki was laying on his back on Usagi-Sans king-sized bed, staring at the ceiling. He could feel his eyelocks starting to get heavy, but he refused to fall asleep. Not before Usagi-San would get home.
But he soon gave in, and fell asleep faster than a ferrari drives.

He was woken up by someone shaking him. He soon realized he was screaming and crying loudly and hysterically. His vision was blurry because of the tears, but he could still make out the figure shaking him.
-"Misaki! Wake up!" Misaki recognized Usagi-Sans voice.
Misaki let his shouts drop until no sound other than his sobbing was heard. Misaki felt himself shaking uncontrolably.
Then he was pulled into a hug. The hug was full of love, compassion and care. Misaki felt all the terrors of the nightmare wash away. Usagi-San was here, he was okay. That was all that mattered to him.

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