Chapter 31: Gone

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Pairing: Misaki x Usagi
"Gone? For so long?"

Misaki almost felt bile rise up in his throat.

     -"Trust me Misaki, I'm just as reluctant as you are to let him out of my sight for so long."

Aikawa's words went almost unnoticed by Misaki as the words flew around in his head.

"Two months..."

     -"But it's essential for his work, so we don't get much of a choice, unfortunately."

Aikawa leaned into the couch and sighed.

     -"Although I still do not understand why they wouldn't let me with him... Paris would be such a nice place for a vacation~. Or not really a vacation because I'd still be working but...."

As Aikawa continued blabbering, Misaki tried getting his thoughts together.

     "Usagi-san is going to Paris... In France... Thousands of miles away... For two months..."

Misaki's thoughts were interrupted by a hand landing on his shoulder and Aikawa's worried voice.

     -"Misaki? Are you alright? You look pale.."

Misaki snapped out of his trance-like state long enough to throw Aikawa a small smile.

     -"D-don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Misaki could tell his voice didn't go together with the words coming out of his mouth, but he hoped it would be enough to reassure her.

Aikawa gave another worried look at Misaki.

     -"Don't worry, I'll be here if you need me."

Misaki smiled once more.

Tuesday 11th, the day Usagi-san leaves for Paris. He won't be back before the 11th in two months.

Misaki and Aikawa are at the airport, while Akihiko checks himself in with a group of other very serious-looking men and women. Well, he probably won't look out of place... Before they head for the gates, Akihiko makes his way to where Aikawa and Misaki are standing.

     -"Are you sure you'll be alright, Misaki? You can still call up your brother to live with him."

Misaki chuckles at Akihiko's concern.

     -"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, the penthouse needs someone to keep it in order."

Akihiko sighs, clearly it pains him just as much, if not even more to be leaving Misaki alone for two whole months. He then kneels in front of him, kissing his hand.

     -"Take better care of yourself than the penthouse. You aren't replaceable with money after all."

Misaki smiles at him and kisses Akihiko's forehead, surprising both himself and Akihiko.

Suddenly, Akihiko's name is called from further away, making all three glance in that direction.

     -"I have to go, take good care, both of you."

Both of them smile and nod as they watch Akihiko walk away, dragging his luggage behind him.

Misaki's pov. :

The two months following that day went by painfully slow. Every day was utter torture. I tried making myself busy with different tasks, like cleaning, practising cooking, doing excessive amounts of laundry, etc. But none of the attempts of ignoring the crippling loneliness that was haunting the penthouse worked. I tried inviting my friends over, but it usually ended up in me changing my mind, as I knew it was wrong of me to invite someone over without permission. So, I tried going to visit my friends, which worked quite well, for the first 2 hours, before I could almost hear the house calling my name, pulling me back. This happened every time I left the house for more than 2 hours. It was a very weird feeling. It was as if the house was pushing me away and pulling me in simultaneously, and in the end, I couldn't bring myself to walk any further away than the grocery store.

Aikawa came to visit now and then make sure everything was alright. I never told her about my contradictory thoughts and feelings, I always told her everything was fine and nothing was wrong. I can't tell if she believed me at all or not, but I was happy she never at least talked about it too much.

And down on the dirty side of things, the truth is, I got very sexually frustrated during the time Usagi-san was gone. I've lost count of the times I couldn't help myself and ended up "spanking the monkey", usually wearing Usagi-san's shirt. Even if I hate to admit it, I miss him in other ways than just his physical presence.

In the very last weeks of the wait, I had become so impatient that I didn't even feel the need to eat. I felt like all my powers were focused on staring at the calendar hanging on the fridge door, marking the days until Usagi-san would be back. Aikawa-san had also stopped visiting, so either she had picked up on my hints of wanting to be left alone, or she was busy doing the same thing as me. The latter one seemed more like the truth. Every day when I woke up, I would be eager to see if the days had passed double instead of singular, hoping these two months would've just been a bad, bad dream. Every morning, I would open my eyes, wishing from the very bottom of my heart that I would see Usagi-san laying next to me, his arms wrapped around me. But that never happened.

And finally, the day came. Wednesday 11th, the day Usagi-san came back, back home, back to me. I couldn't help but smile the whole day through. The plane wouldn't land before 16:30. Aikawa-san had promised me she would come pick me up and we'd go to the airport together. The hours passed by as painfully as these two months had, slow as the slowest of snails. I was internally crying and begging... No, that's wrong, I did most of it externally, while the seconds turned to minutes and the minutes turned to hours.

I was startled by the doorbell but it didn't last longer than a nanosecond. I launched myself up from the couch and rushed to the door. To my relief, Aikawa-san's smiling face greeted me on the other side.

     -"Ready to go?"

"What a stupid question!" I thought to myself as I was already rushing past her through the door.

We arrived at the airport about 15 minutes before the planes designated landing time. We sat patiently as close to the gate as we could, intensely staring at the time table and the landing site outside.  And finally, 16:35, we saw the right plane hit the ground as it landed, curving towards the docking gate. A smile forced itself onto my features, and I didn't even try to stop it.

And soon enough, I saw the familiar green-grayish hair poking out of the masses of people. I immediately stood up, trying to wave my hand to catch the hair's owners attention. It worked quite quick, as I saw him making his way towards me. My smile widened on its own. The only thought coursing through my head was "Usagi-san's home."

As Misaki and Akihiko made eye contact with each other, the rest of the world seemed to be magically erased. No outside noise, no other people, no unnecessary crap. Both first instincts were to run to the other and hug them. But Misaki couldn't make his legs cooperate and ended up standing still as if paralyzed. But Akihiko immediately took 10 determined steps as he reached Misaki, wrapping the smaller boy in his arms, almost covering him completely. Misaki could almost feel his legs go weak beneath him as he felt his lovers strong arms wrap around his fragile-feeling body. He hadn't eaten properly for the past 5 days, so that could've been at fault as well.

Aikawa's voice was heard faintly after a while, pulling both of them from their moment back to the face of earth. Aikawa was was smiling at both of them sweetly, apparently waiting for some kind of a greeting. Akihiko gave her a grunt and a lousy wave of his hand, which apparently was just enough for her.

Akihiko, Misaki and Aikawa parted ways soon after the meeting, as Misaki and Akihiko drove back home. And you can imagine that the pair didn't let go of each other for the next 4 or so days. And none of them really had anything against it.
I am back in action, for now at least.

Hope you enjoyed! Criticism is very welcome, and please do message me if you have any suggestions for the story!

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