Chapter 4: Sick

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Pairing: Usagi x Misaki

It was a beautiful day. It was sunny and warm, birds were chirping and kids were playing in the parks.

Worst day to be sick on.

Misaki was laying on the couch. He had fever, throath pains and he kept sneezing all the time. Every movement he made was a struggle.

Usagi-San was sitting on the couch opposite to him, staring at his younger lover. He had a concerned look on his face.


Misaki let out a loud sneeze. He blew into a tissue paper, then laid back down. He put his arm on his face, covering his eyes.

-"I don't get it. How did you become so sick in only one night? Yesterday you were just fine. Not a trase of a fever or a cold."

Misaki removed his arm from covering his eyes.

-"I don't know. It hit me by surprise as well..."

Usagi-San sighed. He got up and moved to the same couch as Misaki and put his hand on his forehead.

-"You're burning. Are you sure you don't need any medicine?"

Misaki shook his head.

-"No! They don't help anything. In matter of fact, they always make me worse."

Usagi-San just shrugged.

Time passed, and Misaki fell asleep. Usagi-San had sat there watching over him all the time. Now he picked him up gently and carried him to their shared bedroom and laid him down on the king-sized bed. Then he laid down next to him and fell asleep himself as well.

Misaki woke up in complete darkness. How long had he been asleep? He tried sitting up, but something was holding him. He looked to his side and saw the figure of Usagi-San, with his arms around him. Misaki smiled faintly. He turned around and cuddled in with Usagi-San.

The next morning Misaki felt much better. His throat was still a little sore, and he would sometimes sneeze, but the fever was gone and he could move without putting every inch of his powers into it again.

For Usagi-San it was different. He had catched a cold, and was now slightly grumpier than what he normally was in the mornings. Luckily Misaki got away by going to the store, after a long argument with Usagi-San.

When he came back, Usagi-San was sound asleep on the couch. Misaki sighed as he put the grocery-bags down in the kitchen and went over to him. Misaki was about to put the cover over him when he was pulled into a warm embrace.

-"Welcome back~♥"

Misaki didn't struggle. Hey, the guy was sick. He had to get some joy out of the day. So Misaki just gave a small "hm" and cuddled into him.

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