Chapter 2: Without you

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Pairing: Nowaki x Hiroki

"Where is he?? He was supposed to be home half an hour ago!"
Hiroki was laying on the couch in his and Nowakis appartment. He had gotten home about two hours ago, and was now eagerly waiting for his younger lover Nowaki to return home from his dayshift at the hospital.
Just that Nowaki was half an hour late!

Hiroki couldn't stop thinking about him. No matter how hard he tried to focus on something else, the picture of Nowaki being hurt or dead always creeped up on him. He was never late.

About an hour passed, and still no sign of Nowaki. Now Hiroki was getting worried. What had happened to the man? Had he gotten in an accident? Was he now laying somewhere, paralyzised or in a coma? Or worse, dead?

Hiroki didn't want to think about it. He tried pushing the thoughts away, but they had wrapped themselves around his brain, not letting go.

Another hour. And another. The time passed like it had wings, and soon it was 10 pm. Nowaki was supposed to be home at 6.

Hiroki felt the feeling of worry grow stronger and stronger.

"Nowaki, where are you?!"

Then it hit him. His phone! He could call Nowaki and ask where he was!

Hiroki dialed the number faster than ever.

The phone rang. He heard a distant "prrr". It sounded like it came from their room.

Hiroki went to check. Nowakis phone was laying on the nightstand. He must've forgotten it in the morning.


He ended the call and put his phone away. He then sat down on the bed and burried his face in his hands.

The tears came creeping. Hiroki didn't stop them. They came like a river and he started sobbing.

Soon enough the front door opened. Nowakis cheerful voice echoed in the appartment.

-"Hiro-San, I'm home!"

Hiroki lifted his head up from his hands. The tears had stained his face and his hands were completely wet.


He sprung to life. He jumped up and ran to the door, where Nowaki was taking his shoes and coat off.

Nowaki looked up at him.

-"Hiro-San, have y-"

His sentence was interrupted by Hiroki hugging him tightly. The younger man was slightly taken aback.

-"B-baka! Don't you ever do that again!"

Nowaki looked confused about the other males sudden outburst.

-"Do what again, Hiro-San?"

Hiroki shivered in his arms.

-"D-don't disappear for that long without informing me about it. You don't even know how worried I was."

A smile spread across Nowakis face.

-"But I told you this morning that I was going to be working late today, Hiro-San."

Hiroki looked up from the other mans chest.

-"Y-you did? I don't remember..."

-"That's because you weren't listening, Hiro-San."

Hiroki wiped away the new tears that had started forming in his eyes.

-"Then what about your phone? I tried calling you, but your phone was here, on the nightstand.

Nowaki smiled awkwardly.

-"Umm, I just forgot about it. I had such a hurry in the morning, that I didn't think of it. And when I realized I didn't have it, I was already at the hospital."

Hiroki looked annoyed.

-"So I was worrying for nothing?? Baka, you could've checked that I was listening in the morning!"

Nowaki didn't say a word, just pulled Hiroki back into his arms.

-"Hm, I'm just so happy that you care♥"

Hiroki calmed down alittle.

-"Of course I care. I'm not heartless."

"I couldn't even think about not caring for Nowaki. We are lovers after all. And I couldn't even think about living without him."

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