Chapter 21: He's what?! (chapter 2)

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Pairing: Misaki x Usagi

Warning!! Mpreg included!
Misaki slowly started to regain consciousness. Where was he? What had happened? As he parted his eyelids, glancing around the all-white room with slightly dim eyes, the first face he saw was that of Usagi-san's. He looked extremely pale, like he'd faint any second himself. Behind him, Nowaki was sitting at the desk, back turned towards him, but Misaki could sense the aura of disbelief and worry radiating from him.

     "Are you alright, Misaki?"

Usagi-san's voice sounded croaky, like he'd just downed a whole bottle of lemonade. Misaki gave a small but audible groan before sitting up, nodding ever so slightly. Nowaki noticed Misaki was back in the world of the living, and got up.

     "Are you feeling dizzy, Takahashi? Does your head hurt?"

Nowaki asked about dozens of questions as he made his way over to the pair, pulling out a small-sized flashlight. He shone the light into both Misaki's eyes, making the boy rub them afterwards.

     "No signs of visual damage."

Usagi-san had been holding Misaki's hand the whole time, now giving it a gentle squeeze, as if telling him everything's going to be alright.

     "Now, going back to the subject. As said, Takahashi is without doubt pregnant. One and a half month to be precise. How it is possible, we're not sure."

Misaki gave a small nod of his head, even though he was screaming in panic on the inside. He was scared. He was pregnant, for God's sake!

     "You'll receive the same treatment as women get, but with maybe slight changes here and there. That is, if you decide to keep the baby."

Misaki looked up at Nowaki, his inner pain slightly visible in his tired eyes. Nowaki returned the look, but with more sympathy. He'd dealt with many pregnant women, but never had he encountered a fertilized man. He could only imagine how hard it'd take it's hits on the poor emerald eyed boy.

     "You have the options of an abortion, to give it up for adoption, or to keep it yourselves. The choice us yours."

With those words, Nowaki left the room, leaving the couple alone. Misaki was staring at the white floor, a distressed look sprawled across his face. He snapped back to the present when Usagi-san sat down on the bed next to him, rubbing the back of Misaki's hand with his thumb. No words left Misaki's mouth, no matter how hard he tried.

At this, Akihiko took Misaki onto his lap, hugging him closer than maybe ever before. Misaki buried his face into Usagi-san's chest, letting a few tears slip down his cheeks.

     "D-do you even want kids, U-Usagi-san?"

Misaki's voice was strained. As if he had forced the words out even though something was tightly holding them back. Akihiko pecked the top of his lovers hair lovingly, rubbing his side with his hand.

     "I wouldn't mind. But as said, it's your choice, Misaki. Just remember, whatever you choose, I'll support you."

Akihiko felt Misaki nod against his frame. A few minutes passed by with them both rocking gently.

     "I-I wouldn't really mind having kids either... And I'd never forgive myself if I killed it or gave it away to someone else."

Akihiko gave a small smile, that of course went unnoticed by Misaki, whose head was still buried in Akihiko's white dress shirt. Not a minute later, Nowaki returned with more papers and some kinds of tubes. He gave the tangled pair a warm smile.

     "Can I assume you've made a decision?"

As nothing was heard from Misaki, Akihiko stepped in instead.

     "Yes, we're keeping it."

Nowaki's smile widened, his eyes holding a almost glittering shine.

     "Wonderful. Now, I have a few tips and tricks for you, Takahashi. I'll be booking you a new appointment, two weeks from now. You'll be having regular check-ups for a few months forward now."
After the couple got home from the hospital, Akihiko carrying a small bag full of papers, books and pills that Nowaki had both requested and ordered for Misaki to take regularly, they were both fast about taking a small nap, as they both had been in for quite a shock that day. Akihiko brought the bag to the kitchen, setting it on the counter, and then joining his small partner in his bedroom. They both slept soundly until 9 am the next morning, all tangled up in each other, seeking warmth and comfort from one anothers presence.

Thank you for reading~! Please vote, comment and share, it really keeps me going.

I'm aware that this chapter was drastically shorter than the last one, but no worries, my dear readers. The next chapter, I'll try to make longer.

But thank you again for reading~!

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