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Vicker Rolaus

Arena name:
The Ender



approximately 26



Facial features:
Dark blue eyes with a small start of a beard. He has a scar on his left cheek. His dark short black hair. Other than the scar he had soft features as if he was a 20 year old man.

He is insane yet strong and Trustworthy.


This guy wears red and silver Titanium armor. Thus his signature armor which he has gotten enchanted when he joined the ranks.

Enchantment: Slowly self repairs the armor if it is damaged.

Active strengths:
Is immune to mind control

Is resistant to magical effects

Insanity Burst: He is able to go insane temporarily, this activating his Aaronic flames making a flame circle around him for 4 feet. Lasts around 45 seconds.

Lightning Vortex: He can shoot lightning bolts, and storms of chain lightning from his hands.

Race Ability:


Xalo- a like based weapon, this sword is used as a way to cut through most all metals and skins like butter. It draws off the black diamond in the guard, when it's fully charged the blade has blue flames which are used to burn the soul through the spirit realm.

Wavos- a acid based spear, this spear made to stab through armor and turn solids to liquids, while turning liquids to a black fluid which is spreads and infects other liquids and changes them these black fluids eating away at flesh and bone.


Rune Writing: this requires only a pen or a way to write on the object to form Runes that are active for 10 minutes.

Aaronic Fire: a purple fire which is known to kill with only a single spark. This fire is very deadly and will burn a soul alive, this leaving them unable to react and move for their soul is just a wisp of its former self. This fire increases and feeds of a small list of energies.

Back story:
This Elegant and Unstable Battle Mage, is a human, one of the many who have magical powers, only difference is that he controls Aaronic Fire, a special kind of fire that is only allowed to be learned by Zilaphar or Dovagr, these two teach their hellhound soldiers it. Vicker is the only human to ever learn it. Sadly he learned from Dovagr, having been a slaved human to labor under him. These flames burned the back of his neck so bad, that it made it so that was the only spot to be able to get the mana to cast spells. Vicker escaped, nothing but the steel armor that he had and the spear his old master gave him, but Dovagr was angered and placed a blood magic curse on him. This curse making it so that he would never be able to see the soulmate of his, the wife to be. They would forever be invisible to him. He would be plagued with nightmares, he would be standing there looking into the face of his wife and soulmate, but there wasn't one. In place of the face was a black hole completely darkness, only the outline of the woman. Before she burned away into ashes in his hands. At the age of 18 he joined up in Zilaphar's battle Mage army, where he was taught, drilled, and hardened. He rose to the rank of General at the age of 23. Now he strives to earn soldier of the year by slaying the most enemies in a single year while also trying to find his soulmate.

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