Chapter 21

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"Alexei?" Nikolay cried in astonishment at the sight of his older brother. A smile crossed his face but it quickly disappeared when he realized that he was in on whatever was happening.

"What are you doing here? And what is going on?"

Alexei stepped further into the room and dropped a small black sac onto the table. Everyone watched with genuine curiosity.

"This was found hidden in Estelle's closest in a steel box. In the box you will find several more and all of them filled with enough poison to kill at least fifty men."

Nikolay opened his mouth to protest but Gavriil brought the box forward and placed it on the table, popping it open to reveal several more of the little black sacs and expensive looking jewelry.

Nikolay turned and met Estelle's eyes, not wanting to believe what was obviously right in front of him. "This isn't true, tell me it isn't."

Tears fell down her cheeks in rapid succession. "I promise you it is not true, my love. I wonder never hurt your family. I love you!"

Nikolay searched her eyes before looking away. Though he wanted to believe her, he knew that his brother's would not make something like this up. The evidence before him was proof enough.

"Why Estelle? No more lying, tell me why?" He demanded.

The tears continued to run down her face and she sobbed into her hands. "I did nothing wrong! Please believe me!"

"Enough! Your fake tears do not bring pity to my heart, Estelle! You know you are guilty and no one is going to lobby for you, so admit your wrong doings and stop with the act!" Viktor snapped.

She stopped sobbing and looked up, meeting Viktor's eyes. A dark gleam flashed across her dull blue gaze and she sniffed. She looked up at Nikolay and pouted, "You truly do not believe me?"

Nikolay frowned, his heart laying at his feet, shattered and pierced. "I know my brother's would not fabricate evidence..."

She suddenly snapped, her personality taking a complete turn. A scowl crossed her pretty face, giving her an evil aura. "You stupid fool, the one time I expect you to be useful and you fail."

For the first time Viktor's Aunt stood, shock on her face, "Estelle, what has happened to you? I did not raise you this way!"

Estelle looked at her older woman and rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up you old bitch! I never liked you, you're greedy and rude and you have a nasty personality, where on earth do you think I learned how to be so vindictive?"

The older woman paled in her seat, her cheeks blushing from embarrassment and shame.

Estelle looked back at Viktor and sneered, "I should have gotten rid of you first, you were always suspicious of me, watching every move I made. The others were easy to get rid of, easy to trick, but you, you were like a thorn up my ass! You know how long it took me to come up with my plan only to have you ruin it?" She snapped with angry frustration.

Nikolay was in shock, this was not the woman he remembered. "Estelle..."

"And you, you were so easy to trick! I looked at once, I batted my lashes at you once and just like every other man, you fell harder than a brick hitting pavement....except for tonight, the one night I actually wanted your stupid affection!"

"Why did you do this?" Nikolay asked quietly.

She tsked, "There were six of you and only one throne! I needed one of you to love me and five of you to die...I want the riches, the silks, the title...I want the luxury, damn it! I want jewelry imported from around the world. I want gold and silver and a whole army at my beck and call!"

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