Chapter 1: The Morning

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Everyone has a story, mine just happens to begin with you.

Hey! I'm Jax! And the very handsome brown-haired guy next to me is Cameron. He's my crush. Well...he isn't really he isn't my boyfriend. Yet...maybe even never.

OMG! He's not my boyfriend...and he's shirtless...wait let me check under the blanket. Ahh! Scratch that! my bed. Whoa, his package isn't so bad. Actually, it's a really good, and his rock hard abs. Wow, I must sound like a real slut right now.

Cut it out Jax, think.

Wait...this isn't even my room. Am I...ZoMG! Did we? This is not good. I'm no longer a virgin? Am I? Was it even protective?! Calm down. It was probably nothing crazy.

"Whoa!" Clud!

I fell off the bed; and now I'm on the floor. Can things get any worst? Ow! My head. Wait? What's this? Oh! It's just some small square shaped plastic bag thingy that was ripped. I think it's called TROJAN? Probably, not that important anyway.

Wow, his room is a mess! My clothes! Got to get out of here before he wakes up.

Quickly and quietly get up, quietly get your clothes, now put on your underwear. And pull up your pants.


Oh! Snap! Hide!!

I don't know; inside that closet?! Quick!
My pants it won't pull up!

Stop winning like a baby and jump in that closet. Now hurry! He's about the turn around...and....

I jumped into the closet and hid in there, looking through the narrow door line to find Austin's back muscles facing me.

"I wonder what was that?" Cameron asked yawningly to himself unaware I was in the closet.

Yes! Safe! Let's hope he doesn't open up the closet.

"Man? When did I start sleeping naked? I'll grab some clothes." Cameron said confusingly going towards the closet.

Idiot; you jinxed it!
Well excuse me!

Austin opens the closet and—

"Hmm, A dark blue plaid shirt with my favorite t-shirt. A blue ocean view shirt, and dark blue jeans...." Cameron said with his attention only on his clothes; which he will look hot in I might add.

Quick, thinking: ducking into the bottom half of his closet. Now go pass him and roll under the bed.

Cameron looks around, "I wonder what that was?" He adverts his attention to his clock on the wall; "11:00. 11:00! I'm late!" With that, he rushes out the room.

Slowly, Roll out from under the bed, and open up the window, Jax.

"I can't get it up! It's stuck."

"Actually, you forgot to unhitch the latch." said Austin.

Oh, snap!

I turned around to see a towel wrapped around the bottom half of his body; still revealing his abs.

"Hey Cam!" I said laughing nervously.

"Hey, Jax." He replied with a tone of annoyance and his arms crossed.

I nervously smiled.

If I die of anything today, it will be the mixture of Cameron's hotness, my embarrassment, and the awkwardness of this situation.

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