Gyujin X Reader (Pt.1)

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Your p.o.v

 Last summer i got into an big car crash, and i forgot my memories about almost everything even the person i love but on January 1st i saw an boy come in and said "Baby are you okay?" i'm was like who are you calling baby? "I'm calling you baby?"someone said um can i ask what's your name "i'm your boyfriend Gyujin"Gyujin said i'm sorry i don't know anyone "gyujin" 

Than after that he left, i didn't quite sure why he'd left i didn't told him too. After 3 days i got discharged from the hospital. Than i started an new life but that boy kept going on my mind and saying "you know him" 



Gyujin p.o.v

 I'm still thinking about her, we hadn't even broke up yet! Anyways someone moved in across from me and i heard it's an girl. I went to knock on her door and greet her when she opened the door i saw her it's her "oh it's you, gyujin right?"she said wait you remember my name? "Yeah of course your that boy who called me baby."she said oh yeah sorry about that. "Nah it's okay wanna come in and talk with tea?"she asked sure why not. 

i went in and saw photo's of her i miss her so much, but i sat down on her couch that she brought tea. "Well make yourself at home"she said okay but anyways how are you? "I'm doing good anyways how are you doing?"she asked i'm doing fine. "Well wanna help me cook?"she asked i would love too.

We both went in the kitchen and we started cooking like the old days but she don't remember. But she cut herself while cutting the mushroom. Than i grab her hand and suck the blood off, "wait you didn't have to do that"y/n said well i wanted too. "Crazy boy"y/n said than laugh

Your p.o.v

 He's cute when he smile's but their's butterflies in my stomach when i'm with him. That's so odd thank you from sucking the blood of my finger. "No problem"he said the food's is done let's eat we putted the food on the table and started eating than he said "ahh open" than i opened my mouth. 

"Can i ask you something?"gyujin asked yeah sure anything "do you remember us?"he asked what kind of question is that? "Just answer it"gyujin said i............................... 

 I'll make part 2 soon najun96!

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