(11) The Birthday Surprise

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So just over a week late I apologize! Tbh though I used to take months to update so this isn't that bad for me lol

I had to cut out the bit I was going to do at Nate's parents because I just couldn't figure it out and I wanted to update. Still it is over 2500 words so it's not that bad.


The Birthday Surprise:

27th February 2015

Leaning against the doorframe to Nate's bedroom Rachel smiled at the sight in front of her. Nate was sprawled across his bed fast asleep, his covers were in a pile on the floor next to him and he was snoring softly. It was adorable.

"Stop staring at me."

Rachel gasped slightly and looked at Nate's face to find his eyes still closed. She frowned and ran a hand through her hair. "You're awake? How did you know I was here?" She whispered just incase she had imagined hearing his voice.

"I could smell your perfume." He mumbled cracking open one eye to look at her. "You look nice." He said eying up the flowery dress she was wearing.

Rachel smirked pushing herself off the doorframe to go towards him. "Just nice huh?" She teased.

The corner of Nate's mouth pulled up. "Whatever. What are you doing here?" He asked her confused. "Actually how did you even get in?"

Rachel grinned leaning down to kiss his cheek before pinching it with her fingers. "You look adorable when you're confused. And I have my ways." She told him before standing up again. "We're going to your parents for lunch, they want to say Happy Birthday to you, old man."

"I'm not even a month older than you." He said amused.

"You sure don't look it." Rachel joked.

Nate frowned. "Really? You're going to make fun of me on my birthday?"

"Would you have it any other way?"

Nate chuckled. "No."

"Stop complaining then! And get that gorgeous ass of yours moving or we'll be late. It's already 10." She told him.

Nate groaned loudly. "10? I don't even get to sleep in on my birthday?" He whined not moving from his bed.

Rachel sighed and placed her hands on her hips. "Put it this way babe the sooner we go to your parents the sooner we get home. Which mean I can give you your birthday present."

Nate smirked. "Now that sounds like a plan." He said before moving his legs to the side and standing up.

Rachel rolled her eyes. Men. "Take a shower you smell." She scrunched her nose up. "Really bad."

"You're lying but fine. Care to join me?" He asked her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Rachel shook her head. "Can't, I have to make some calls before we leave."

Nate grabbed the front of Rachel's dressed and pulled her closer making Rachel yelp in surprise. "Sure I can't tempt you?" He said huskily.

Ignoring her own desire to join him Rachel shook her head again. "I really can't, we don't have enough time."

Nate blew out a breath of air. "This birthday sucks." He said with a pout.

"Trust me, I'll make up for it later." Rachel said making Nate smirk. Rachel resisted the urge to roll her eyes again. Men. All they think about is sex.

Finally Nate nodded and let go of her. "Ok fine, I'll have a shower then we can go. I guess I'm driving?"

"Well if you want to end up in a shop window somewhere.. "

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