Chapter 9- Home?

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I woke up to the sound of someone yelling. When I opened my sleepy eyes Yoongi was on his phone, staring at it with a shocked look. "What is it..." I grumble out, yawning afterwards. "Sorry I woke you..." He said but didn't turn to face me. "It's fine, are you Ok?" I asked, wondering what was on his phone. "Yeah, it's just my friends are coming to visit here. They say they want to try the school here to see if they want to stay here. They said they just landed here." He closes his eyes and turns off his phone, putting it on the side table beside the bed. "And how is that a bad thing?" I ask as he opens his eyes to now face me.
"Well... it's not a bad thing but... it's shocking. They really hated the idea of coming here for school." He uses his hands as a means of getting the point across, throwing them in the air as he talked. "Did you not want to come?" I waited for his answer. "Well something happened at my old school. I almost... it wasn't good." He dodged telling me his past, "Besides, I have family here so it's all good." He started to get out of bed. "Do you want something to eat?" He turned to me before leaving me in his bedroom. "Yeah food would be great." I smile at him, getting out of bed myself. I walk faster to catch up to him. He looks down to me but looks away quickly. This was probably caused by me not wearing pants. "Have you never seen a girl with no pants on and a big shirt." I raise my eyebrow.
"No..." He looks embarrassed. I chuckle at his cute forming blush. "So what's for breakfast?" I changed the subject. " whatever I have that you want." I nob at his answer as I walk a little faster to approach the kitchen. I welcome myself to the fridge. I open it to see it filled with all sorts of food. I must be in food heaven. I see some leftover steak and an egg carton. "Do you want scrabble eggs?" I take out both ingredients knowing what his answer will be anyway. "Sure." He replies back. After getting out milk, shredded cheese, and some sliced green peppers, I mix 4 eggs and some milk together in a bowl. "Can you get out a large frying pan and put in on the stove, and after can you get out some oil?" I call to Yoongi who was watching me cook. Without a word he does as asked. I slip over to the stove and reach for the nob to turn the stove on high.
Yoongi hands my the oil and I pour the right amount into the warming pan. "Do you want me to turn on some music?" Yoongi calls to me from the other side of the kitchen. "Yeah! Can you put on your bands music, I really like it..." I turn to him with pleading eyes. "You like it yet you can't understand watch we're saying?" He pokes my cheek before getting up to his TV. "Do you have Internet on your TV?" I ask remembering how my cousins used to play on their TV using Internet. "Yeah, I have all my favorite songs from us saved on a file..." I watch as he uses a black mouse to click on file after file to get to his music. "Why so many files?" I ask, getting back to putting the raw eggs into the hot pan. "My dad is against pop music, he only allows classical. I grew up on classical... it's funny how I caged to love pop and rap." He laughs at himself slightly, "He doesn't even know I'm in a band!" I join into his laughter. I laughed even though I found his situation heart renching. I must be hard for him to go against his parent's wishes. The room filled with up beat, loud music.
"What's this song called?" I call over the music. "Dope!" He calls back. After I get the eggs into a soft, almost solid form, I mix in the steak I sliced up before and peppers. The smell of the mixture filled the room, making my stomach growl. "Looks great!" I turned to see a smiling Yoongi beside me. He then suddenly put his hand up in a shushing motion. After, he started rapping to the song, most likely his part. I clapped him on and silently cheered. He finished off with a wink and a pose. He looked so funny I had to laugh. "Wow your amazing!" I said in between chuckles. "Nah." He blew it off but still had a proud smile on his face. I looked back at the eggs which I could tell were now done. Yoongi went to his TV to turn off the music so we could eat and talk. I started getting out two plates for us.
"Alright, I hope you're hungry." I click of what sounded like a door. "I am, thank you for asking." A voice replied that wasn't Yoongi's. I wiped around to see a man with a business uniform on at the door. He looked to be in his early 50s. Yoongi also had a shocked expression. "Yoongi, you didn't tell me we were having guests." The man said, keeping his eyes on me. Yoongi and I stayed silent as the man took off his shoes and headed to me. "I'm Min Yoongi's father, it's a pleasure to meet you." Yoongi's father sticked out his hand as for me to do the same. "My names Tamiko Ren, nice to meet you as well." I shake his hand.
"I glad you made enough food for the 3 of us!" He said happily as he sat down at the dinning room table, followed by Yoongi. I looked over to Yoongi to see his ration but it wasn't there; he was blank. I got out a third plate and served each of us. "My, this looks divine, what a good cook you are." Yoongi's father compliments. "Thank you, sir." I say, starting to eat. I spot Yoongi giving me a look. I couldn't really tell what he wanted to say. I just looked at him back blankly. "You also have lovely manners, maybe you could teach my son a few." He gave a Stern look toward Yoongi who just kept eating. Ahgggg this is so awkward! I wasn't even wearing pants! I hope his father doesn't get the wrong idea.
After that... fun breakfast, Yoongi hurried to get me out of the house. I almost killed him because he was pulling me out in the open where anyone can see me in my underwear. What's wrong with him somethings? Once in his car I regained my calmness. "Where are we going?" I turn to Yoongi who is starting the car. "To your house, and then..." He pauses. "And then..." I push him to continue. "Your going to meet the rest of BTS, my friends."

Tell me if you like the idea of continuing the story with more BTS members. And also, please comment on what your favorite song from BTS is, including it's coregraphy

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