Chapter 17

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I drank down the disgusting red liquid that would supposedly cure me of illness. I look over to the boy that was wandering in my fridge, hoping to find food.
"To the left of the fridge is a sandwich I made this morning, you can have that." I pass him as I head to my room. "Don't try to destroy anything while I sleep, got it?" I hear a hum in return.
My bed was comfy, greeting me with its warmth. I soon fell into a much needed sleep.
*Yoongi's POV*
I wandered through Tamiko's house as I ate the sandwich in my hand. Her furniture was nice, still new looking. Trixie, her dog, watched me move along the floor; her ears perked and tail wagging slightly.
"Does Tamiko have anything here to do that's fun?" I boredly ask Trixie, knowing I wasn't going to get a response. I spot a small laptop on a white desk, lonely leaning against a wall. "Maybe she has some hidden secrets on there?" I devilishly grin, walking over to the desk. Luckily there was no password blocking me from what was on the computer. A Web page popped up right away, words scattered across it.
"BTS?" I read the heading of the Web page, relieving it was about my band. As I read on, I seen it wasn't anything good. It was about my troubled past with my old school, but thankfully it said nothing about what exactly happened. "Why would she be looking at this?" Did she already know, did someone tell her? I scrolled up to look at her history. It said she visited this page a few days ago.
But she hasn't said anything about it to me. Maybe she was scared. Scared of what I done, or what I could have done. "Yoongi, snap out of it!" I slap my face with both hands, closing my eyes. If she wanted to know she would ask. If she already did, she would leave.
"She would leave..." I said the words out loud that haunted me. Tamiko has become someone I cared for deeply. Before, I was scared that she would hate me. Now, all I cared about was protecting her. Even if hate became between us, she would be safe. Would I be safe?
I closed the screen slowly. My fingers lingered on the laptop, I stared at the white walls in front of me. My senses came back as loud coughing echoed from Tamiko's bedroom, sneezing followed. I get up from my position in the chair by the desk and hurry to her bedroom. The lights were off but light peeked in through the windows.
Tamiko's face was red and scrunched up. Her body was wrapped tightly in the bed covers. Bright eyes met mine as she awoke from her sleep.
"What?" She sniffles. I look over to see a package of tissues on her desk beside her bed. I reach over to grab one and hand it to the sick girl. "Thanks..." Tamiko blows loudly into the tissue.
"Are you hungry?" I give her a small smile.
"Yep," She turns over in bed, her back facing me. "I need food." I nob.
"I will order pizza." My body moves out of her room.
*Your POV*
I closed my eyes once again as I heard Yoongi's footsteps leave my room. My stomach growled at the thought of glorious, cheese pizza filling my insides soon. Not too long after Yoongi left me, my ears perked up to hear his footsteps coming my direction again. Without opening my tired eyes, I waited for Yoongi to speak. Instead of noise, the bed sunk down, releasing he was sitting down beside me. Without a word, his body got comfortable beside me, laying down on the soft covers. I stilled as his chest went up and down, his breaths slow. My body tried to relax to the new discomfort.
I listened to Yoongi's small breaths like they were a lullaby. Just like a lullaby, I quickly fell back to sleep. My dreams were filled with embarrassment but joy.
I lay in a dark room, the only light coming from the door slightly cracked open. My legs pulled me up and I hovered above the green grass that filled the room to the door. Before I got there, I could hear humming, Yoongi's humming. My hand reached for the door handle but it slowly opened itself, showing me what was outside. The hallway of my school filled the space, paper and pencils rolled across the floor. My mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. I looked through the windows of the classrooms to see a boy sitting at his desk, writing something. On a closer look, it seemed like a letter.
"Dear Tamiko..." was all I could read before the boy looked up to see my gaze and quickly crumpled up the paper, stuffing it into his pocket. Yoongi. His eyes were sad. In a glance, he was gone, everything he had, gone with him.
"Tamiko?" His voice rang behind me. I quickly turn to meet his cold eyes. For some reason, my body froze. My muscles couldn't move, I was a statue.
"I'm sorry..." His lips formed the words, but nothing came out. He opened his mouth to move but white light filled my vision as I was pulled away from the dream, back to reality.
Yoongi, the real one, looked into my eyes, his lips now formed a smile. "The pizza is here!" He happily pushed a plate into my lap, showing off a delicious piece of pizza.
"Thanks" I stuffed the triangle shaped pizza into my mouth. Yoongi held a hand in front of my face. I gave him a confused gaze.
"You owe me money... and interest. I bought it." His face held boredom.
"You're funny."
"I am, aren't I?" He said, smirking while nodding. I shake my head at his sarcasm.
"What am I going to do with you?"

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