Chapter 16

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The days were getting closer and closer to the talent show. I haven't been able to talk to Yoongi much since our date. He was rarely at school, and when he was, he seemed so tired. Yesterday he fell asleep in class and the teacher yelled at him. Today he pretended to be sick so he could take a nap in the nurse's office. I was laying there in a cot beside him because I had a fever. No one could give me a ride home because I had no one. Yoongi snored softly to the right of me.
The nurse was in her side office, not caring about the two of us. I looked over at Yoongi out of boredom. My eyes looked at his baby faced features then lowered to his clutched hand. A piece of paper poked out of the corners of this hands, making me curios. I slowly tiptoed over to him, trying to get a better look at the paper. Words were scribbled over it, some crossed out, "Soulless Love, Dying Young, Heartbreak city, Falling Hard." My mind wandered to what the words could mean.
"What are you doing?" I look up surprised at a sleepy Yoongi. He seemed like he would cuss me out because I woke him up, but his lips didn't move.
"oh-uh... nothing." I gave him an awkward smile.
He closed his eyes and sighed, "If you want to see it, here." his hands open to reveal the scrunched up piece of paper. The sides were torn into gagged ridges. More words about what looked to be breakups scattered the page.
"What is it?" I looked up to meet his eyes that were on me.
"Names... for my song, I chose Falling Hard," Yoongi answered, sitting up in bed. I got up from my crouched position and sat beside him on the cot. "I'm done with it if you want to see..." He asked, already knowing the answer and got out a folded up papers in his pocket. He handed them to me to let me read it
Pain is the beginning of love.
We go over and over with all of our griefs[cg1]
Not wearing the burden together
I can't go through this no more
It's time to say goodbye
But then the feeling comes back once more
Vocals chorus:
I look towards you
But the sun is in my eyes
Your blinding beauty is all I can see
Forever and ever once more
My legs give out and I tumble to the ground
But my mind is head as can be
Forever--- falling
Forever--- falling
My legs give out and I tumble to the ground
But my mind is high as can be
Give me the strength to run after you
Your distant yells reach me
Forever--- falling
Forever--- falling
But I'm forever in your shadow
Your sweet talk makes me sick
Why do you hurt me so bad?
Don't try to fix my broken heart
My body might crumble instead
I'm falling down, not falling hard!
[cg2] Bits and pieces littler the ground where you walk
Your trail of torture ends here for me
Why mock me with that bright smile?
You can't even give me room to breath
The toxic air surrounds you
But you carry the antidote that I need
I can't help but try to survive
Why does surviving end with you?
I'm sorry your pain is lingering inside
But I don't have the key
I dropped it a long time ago
So go find someone else to antagonize!
Chorus 2x
I read the lyrics over and over again. This is how he expresses himself. This is how I could find little clues he hides for me to find.
"You did this all by yourself?" I look up to meet his eyes. He holds out his hand for the crumpled paper.
"It's not too hard, you just had to get a concept and go off from there." He folds the paper back up and stuffs it into his pocket once more. "Do you want to go home?" He stands up from the cot.
"Home?" I ask with a tinge of wonder in my voice.
"You're sick, aren't you? And I'm sick of school, so we're both considered sick." He gives me a playful smile. I did feel like curling up in my bed instead of sitting through five more class periods.
"Ok, ok. But this better not get me in trouble." I warn him as I get into a standing position as well. Yoongi gives me a side look as he heads for the nurse's office. Before he enters, he goes into character.
"Ms... my friend and I are getting sicker by the minute, it would probably by more helpful if we just went home and took some cold medicine. I don't want you or the other students here getting sick because of me, don't you think?" Yoongi's expression looked like he just threw up. I was impressed, but I tried to withhold the smirk.
"Oh, you poor thing," Ms. Nancy pitied the faking boy, "I order you to get a restful sleep tonight, and if you're not better by the morning, you should rest at home for the day." She looked at us both as she said this. We both nodded our heads as we said our thanks. She called the front office alerting them we would be leaving now.
Yoongi and I walked through the empty hallways on our way to the front doors. "Can we go to your house; the dorm is really messy right now. The boys are supposed to clean it tonight, but I'm not so sure about it. Unless Jin threatens to not cook, it would probably stay like that for eternity."
"Yeah, I'm fine with it. But I'm probably just going to sleep when we get there. I have some meds in the kitchen I can take." I sigh, "And I'm not going to school tomorrow, I don't feel like doing math tonight." To my left, lockers filled the walls not even 2 inches from me. There was nothing in front of me I could run into so I closed my eyes, still walking beside Yoongi. A squeak in front of me made be slowly open my eyes. My face collided with a door that suddenly opened in front of me, causing me to fall to the ground. A headache started to take the place of the noise around me. When I regained my senses, Taehyung was leaning on the door I was knocked into and Yoongi was grabbing my arm, asking frantically if I was alright.
"I'm so sorry Tamiko, I didn't know you were walking there!" Taehyung leaned down as well to grab my other arm. They both hoisted me to my wobbly feet once more.
"Taeh-yung῀" I wine with pain in my voice.
"I'm really sorry, honest." He gives me puppy dog eyes.
"I know you are..." I say, holding my hurt nose, "Now I really want to go home."
"You guys are going home?" Taehyung looks at Yoongi for an answer.
"Yeah, I'm the only one to give Tamiko a ride, she's sick," Yoongi sticks his hands in his front pockets.
I start walking again to the direction of the doors, "See yah later Taehyung." I wave him a goodbye, not turning around.
"See yah tomorrow." I hear his bright voice say back. The boys exchange goodbyes before Yoongi catches up to me.
"If that was anyone other than Taehyung, I would have bashed his face in." Yoongi smiles down at me, "He can be so clumsy sometimes." He sighs as he opens the door for me.
"Let's just hurry up and get home so I can sleep" I say groggily.

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