Chapter 14

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The next day passed quickly. The only important thing that I learned was that tomorrow was the auditions for the talent show. Yoongi said he doesn't want me going. He wants me to be surprised at the talent show. I really don't mind. I'm just a little bummed that I have to wait 2 more weeks to see their performance.
The 8th period bell startled me, I must have zoned out. Yoongi waited for me at the door like he usually does. This time though, I see my friends outside waiting for me as well. "Took you long enough." Kelly complains to me with a sigh. "The boys are taking another car so we have my car to ourselves." Yoongi explains to us as we head out the double doors leading to the outside. "Good, I won't be cramped in a car with smelly boys." Kelly comments, making us all giggle. "Is the studio far from here?" Lorett asks, waiting for Yoongi's answer. "Not really, it's only a few blocks." He replies, unlocking and getting into his car. I sit in the front beside Yoongi as Lorett and Kelly hop into the back.
Immediately, the last CD Yoongi had in the radio starts jamming. Of course, it was his own, and I couldn't help myself then singing along with it. I didn't sit in my room for 2 hours after Lorett left and Listened to all the BTS songs and memorized the lyrics to the best of my ability, of course not. Yoongi gave me a silly smile as I messed up some of the Korean. Yoongi starts rapping Namjoon's part of I NEED U as it played on the radio. The three of us girls clap him on in rhythm to the song. I shout out some parts from the rap that I knew, which wasn't much.
We were having so much fun. Even my friends were laughing along with me. There was a red light ahead so the car came to a slow stop. I look over to the car beside me and it was the rest of Bangtan in an old truck. Jimin and Taehyung were in the back bed while Jin was driving. Jin sees me staring and rolls down his window, I do the same. The music in our car blasts out, gaining the rest of Bangtan's attention. Both cars now start singing loudly to the chorus of I NEED U. I could see the people in the cars around us giving stares to the weirdos in the two cars. The solo parts start, I'm the only one who sings other than whose part it is on. I quiet my voice as Jimin's high note comes in. I wasn't very good at high notes, not at all. Jimin bolts out his voice like a hurricane. The light turned green but Jin and Yoongi tried to keep the cars side by side just until the song ended. The attempt worked successfully and we all yelled out the last "I need you girl." Not too far after, Jin pulled into the parking lot of a tall building to the right of us, followed by Yoongi. I've seen this building many times as I pass it to get to the skating rink just around the corner. It didn't have any signs indicating what is was used for. "This way..." Yoongi was already out of the car, walking to the side of the building. My friends and I caught up to him before he could leave us locked out of the building which he had the key for. The rest of Bangtan was already inside, no where in sight. Up the stairs we go... and go... and go. It felt like I was walking to the gates of heaven, I was getting out of breath. Man, was I not fit, I need to work out at a gym this summer. "Can you... slow down." I stop to catch my breath. Yoongi turns to me, the only one of us dying at the scene. He smirks at me, "Can you not be so slow." And he goes back to walking. It wasn't too farther that we reached a door leading to my happiness. "I need some water." I complain as he opens the door and holds it open like a gentleman. "We have a fridge inside." He relays to me. I look around, we were in a hallway surrounded by many more doors. He stops in front of a door a few doors down. The door was cracked slightly so he let himself in.
Once inside, Taehyung greeted us, "What took you so long." Everyone looked at me. "It doesn't matter. We decided we would practice singing first, we already warmed up are voices thanks to I NEED U." He explained as we walked in to meet everyone else. There was camera men scattered around, not filming at the moment. "If you don't mind, can you stay out of the cameras' way, we don't want the public to think anything more than you guys just as friends." One of the women camera workers said. The three of us girls nodded in response. Does that mean BTS is not allowed to date at all? Our stars here do it all the time. It's funny how many breakups and get togethers happen here. It must be different in Korea, more strict.
The camera men started filming Bangtan in the recoding studio. It was hard to get close and watch with them all in the way. I remember Yoongi mention there was a fridge around here, so I went in search for it. I found a door in close proximity to the front door. I decided it was ether a bathroom or the kitchen I was looking for. When I opened the door, wonders of smells hit my nose like a brick. Korean food was scatter across a large table in the center of the room, the fridge and microwave to the right. Trying to contain my taste buds, I shuffled over to the mini fridge balancing on a long table beside the microwave. The only drinks inside were water, but I took one anyway. I had to get out of there before my stomach became a roaring monster, so I left immediately.
It wasn't too long after that Bangtan was done singing and the cameras were off. "I'm starving!" complained Jungkook as he grabbed his stomach. "Lucky for you we made food." A older man explained happily. My mind flooded back to the thought of the food awaiting us in the kitchen. Oh course, I was the first in the kitchen, followed close behind by Jungkook. The camera crew stayed behind in the studio because of the already tight space in the kitchen. "Do they follow you around a lot?" I asked about the camera crew to know one in particular. "After a while, you get used to it." Namjoon said, not quite answering my question. "Are you guys not aloud to date?" Lorett asks the question in the back of my head that has been bothering me. "Well... not really. It's really complicated." Jimin struggles to find words.
We all chow down for a while after that, the only sound was us filling our ravishing stomachs. After we were almost done, Lorett asks again, "What if you really like someone, would you date them?" She looks at Yoongi as she asks. I wait for his reply with alert ears. "If I loved them... I would." I couldn't help but smile at this. Yoongi caught my reaction which I scolded myself for, "Why are you smiling." He smirked. "It's nice to know you are allowed to be with someone you really care about." I say, not fully lying.

*Yoongi's POV*
Tamiko was blushing as she said it. I felt like she had more to say but I let it slide. Lorett's question made me think. If I had the chance to date Tamiko, would I? I wasn't sure. I don't know if I want to put her through dating me. Like my last girlfriend, a lot of fans tried to stalk her, but she took it as a compliment. I think the public would like Tamiko, why wouldn't they? But the fam wasn't what Tamiko wanted. I could see her being happy while sitting with her husband on a porch swing watching their children play in the yard. I don't know if I could give that to her. The stress is hard enough now and I'm just starting my career. My plan was to get married when I am in my 30s, but would she wait that long? I wouldn't want her to waste her life waiting for me, not when she could have happiness in just a few short years. I have decided, I won't tell Tamiko, I won't tell her anything. We are just friends, and that is how it will stay for the rest of our short lives.

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