Chapter 12

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*Yoongi's POV*
Tamiko didn't hear me, I was kind of glad too. What was I thinking? Asking her on a date to the movies would be weird, right? She probably would be so nice as to invite everyone here to go. Maybe I will ask her another time.
The intercom in the classroom beeps, electing us to get quiet to hear the announcement that follows. "Good morning students, It is almost the 2nd semester!" The front office lady said in a cheery tone, "I have exciting news for you all, this year we are holding a first ever talent show! You can show off your talent and then the school will have a majority vote to see who the winner is! There are sign-up sheets in the front office you must fill out to join. Have an amazing day and work hard, that is all." She ended. I turned to Tamiko, "Are you going to do it?" She almost laughed at the question. "No way, I have no ability to stand in front of people and talk, I could never do this. Besides, my talent is art, so it would be hard to do anyway." She shrugged her small shoulders. "How about you guys? You could perform?" She shot back but joined everyone in the group in the conversation. "Yah! It could be fun to show this school what we're made of!" Taehyung loudly answers. It was like vacation to me here, no work, just hanging out with my friends... and of course school. The thought of working now made me tired. I haven't performed live for half a year. But I do like the rush of energy being in front of crowds of fans gives you. I guess I will give it a try.
*Your POV*
I was really happy they were going to perform, mostly because I wanted to see them being cool live. "We have to ask our manager first though... but I bet he will say yes." Namjoon informs me. "What song are we going to do?" J-hope asks, leaning back in his chair. All the boys went deep in though. "Are these guys any good at singing?" Lorett leans in the Kelly and I so only we can hear. "Yah, they're famous in Korea. I heard their songs, they're great!" I relate to them excitedly in a hush whisper. I must have been loud enough for Yoongi to hear because he slid into our conversation, "Have you seen our music videos?" All three of us shook our heads. Yoongi looked up at the teacher who was on her computer before pulling out his phone and headphones. "You will have to share headphones..." He handed me the headphones. I put one in my ear and gave the other one to Lorett for Kelly and her to share. "This song is called War of Hormone, I was thinking this would be a good song to perform for the talent show." He says, handing us the phone which Lorett takes.
*Time Skip*
I was speechless, we all were. They are really this famous to make a music video that good? The quality, sound, camera movement, and dance was all pristine. "Wow..." Kelly piped up first. I couldn't get over how good the members looked, especially Yoongi. I decided to tell Yoongi what I thought because he was waiting. "I loved it! I would love to see the dance and song live." He nodded his head and turned to the other boys. One after, they stated their opinion... at least I think they were. They spoke in Korean so I couldn't understand them at all. The way they spoke though, looked like they were having a disagreement.
After some time, they turned to my friends and I. "We decided on War of Hormone." Yoongi answered my question forming in my head. "And the encore, if there is one, will be I Need U." Taehyung finished. "Encore?" Kelly asked. "We have to prepare beforehand or we might disappoint the audience." J-hope answers. The bell rings loudly in my ears. Everyone gets up with their backpacks to hurry to their next class. "Show us to class~" Taehyung sings to Yoongi and I as he waits for us by the door. The hall felt more compacted today for some reason. People were squeezing past on another like they were animals. I stayed behind Yoongi so he could clear the way for me as we walked. Suddenly he turned around to face me. "Stay close, I don't want to lose you." He said and turned back. I looked at his empty hand beside him. It looked so welcoming, I wanted to hold it.
I found myself reaching for it, and before I could stop myself his hand grabbed mine. I quickly looked up to see his face. He was smiling, though still looking forward. It wasn't a smirk or a cheeky grin, but a cute and gentle smile. I squeezed my hand tighter, which he returned. My shoulder getting shoved made me wake up out of my happiness. Kelly looked at me with evil eyes. Her glare could kill someone a hundred times over. I awkwardly laughed her off but I could still feel the intense stare. I wonder what my fate will be, only she knows.
The whole day Kelly looked at me with the same eyes. I felt my phone inside my pocket vibrate. I was now in my second to last class, the last class she could glare at me in. Trust me, she was in full force now. I stare down at the five text messages I had. It was a group chat with Kelly and Lorett.
Kelly: What the heck do you think you're doing holding Yoongi's grubby hand!!!!
Lorett: WHAT!!! Tamiko held hands with Yoongi?!?!
Lorett: That's toooooo cuuute!
Kelly: No it is not! It's forbidden!
Lorett: Lighten up Kelly, he could be her future husband... and after that... holding hands isn't the only thing going on ;D
I didn't even know what to say. I looked up at Kelly who as having a mental panic attack while looking at her phone. Her head quickly shot up to look at me. She pointed at me while shaking her head.
Me: It was just to get me out of the crowd... nothing else
Lorett: No-no I can see how you look at each other, its love
Me: Does he look at me like that?
Lorett: Oh, it's soooo clear. He is head over heels in love!
Kelly: You kids are going to be the death of me
Me: No Kelly, I think it's the other way around
Lorett: Yep
Lorett: Can I go home with you Tamiko
Me: Why ask now?
Lorett: I forgot...
Kelly: Bells about to ring, TTYL
Kelly was right, just after the bells rings for us to go to 8th period. I'm going to see Yoongi again. I smile to myself as I say bye to Kelly and walk off to class. I catch Lorett dirping at me through a space between two girls. The dirp read: You're going to go meet your lover now. I sighed to myself. What weird friends I have.
Yoongi greeted me as I walked in. he was seated beside the seat I always sit in. "What happened with your friendship with the popular boys?" I asked as I sat down. "I rather sit with you." He answered with a smirk. I shook my head at his comment. "I was wondering... have you heard of the new horror movie at the movie theaters right now." He grew shyness as he talked. "Yeah, the one about the woods?" He nodded. "What about it?" he looked at his hands. "Since you like horror movies, I was wondering if you wanted to go... with me?" I looked into my eyes with a questioning look. Was he asking to go on another date? I tried to hide the smile that was forming. "Y-yeah I would love to!" I sayed a little too loudly. I should have played it cool. "When?" I asked as I calmed my nerves. "Saturday or Sunday, when ever..." he looked out the window beside us. His eyes seemed calmer, like stress had just been poured out of them.

AN- I would love to know your favorite hair color on Yoongi. Mine is ether his blondish-white or mint green (his mint green hair looked like cotton candy, making me want to eat it)

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