Chapter 2: Push-up Bras and Lady Boners

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Chapter Two: 

Parties. What ever teenager looks forward to in High School. After seeing all the movies, of all the youthful boys and girls dancing, smiling, and enjoying being young and fresh. Well, for me, parties made me nervous and I could never go through with going. I would be sitting in my room all ready, then call Heather and say I got the flu, or my mom wanted me home to cook dinner, or Big Mac just seemed too sad for me to leave. Over the many years of excuses, Heather has caught on and now is making me go to a party on Friday. Oh no no. This party isn't like the others, this is Mady Jones annual Halloween Party. Everyone goes and I couldn't even believe Heather got invited but I guess she has connections since her and that quarterback hooked up. The only thing I was happy about was that Cameron was going to be there probably in some hot outfit that would go with his blonde wonderful hair and big brown eyes. I gushed just  thinking about him. 

Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the party. My stomache already started to hurt thinking about it. I pulled into Heather's drive way, she hopped in, looking amazing as always. "So I have this thing to do with my grandma on Friday, charity dog thing for like cancer..." I shut my eyes hard. Really? Charity dog thing for cancer? I always sucked at lying. Heather just laughed, applying bright red lip stick in the tiny mirror. 

Shutting it loudly she said, "Nice try Elle Marie Smith. You are definately going." I can't just let her do everything that she wants and just walk all over me, I need to set some boundries. Right now. 

"Heather can we at least make an agreement on it?" She turns, now with her black ray bans on. 


"First, you can not leave me and I mean that Heather okay? Second, We need to find me a costume and third, most important, I call dibs on Cameron." A small smirk came onto Heathers face. Oh god. 

The rest of the day I had awful anxiety of what would go down tomorrow. Would I see Cameron? Would he remember me? Would I talk to him? Would he find some other really pretty girl better than me, all these things correlated into my mind. Especially the last one. I knew that these parties are normal and there would be a ton of slutty girls prancing around with there goods shaking all around. I just didn't feel comfortable dressing like that, Heather on the other hand would love that. I usually am something scary for halloween, like a mummy or a zombie.

I came home and layed down for a little bit with Big Mac. Even though he couldn't talk, just resting my head on his shoulder and thinking always made me feel better. 

I woke up drowsy on my bed with Big Mac sprawled out. Shit, I'm late. I hop into my car, my hair a mess with sweat pants on and a loose shirt. Thank god I missed my class with Cameron.  The whole day I just layed low, hopefully not seeing Heather to remind me that I have that stupid party tonight. 

"Hey whore lets get going, we need to start getting ready!" I shut my eyes tightly. I was so close. Literally 2 feet away from my car, I could of just ran, got in, and locked my house up to her but sadly I turn around and she just gives me this look to open my car. "Where have you been all day? Can you say MIA?" 

"Sorry I woke up late. Listen about tonight.." Before I can even finish she just bursts out laughing. I look at her while driving like she has gone crazy.

"Elle you crack me up." I just look at her and sigh. She has always been like this, but I mean i love her. 

We got to my house and Heather ran up stairs. I slowly follow her and enter my room and she is already at my closet throwing shit everywhere. Sometimes Heather reminded me of just a human hurricane, causing a huge rampage everywhere she goes, but it isnt always all that bad. I see her, almost like a raccoon looking for food in the trash, finally find something. It's a black short dress that I had from a wedding a few years ago. It would of fit me back then but I grew taller in the last few years. "No. Heather just No." 

"Just try it on, all the college girls where stuff like this, come on." I just sigh and grab it. I pull it over my head and pull it down. Oh my lord, this dress barely covers my butt. I look over at Heather, a huge grin was splattered on her face. 

"Damn girl, you hid that bod from the world. Tonight you can show it off! Come on!" I just looked into the mirror, and I mean I don't think girls should prance around in undies and bras on Halloween but I did feel pretty confident in this. 

"A black dress isn't exactly a costume Heather." She turns her head and gives a good look at me. Then twisting it the other way. Her eyes pop and the little light bulb turns on in that head of hers. She runs over to her bag and is throwing things on to my bed left and right. Finally, she pulls out cat ears and walks over sliding them on my head. 

"You are a pussy now." She laughed way too hard at her own pun. I just keep looking in the mirror and sike myself out. I can't wear this, I mean I am just a shy girl, not some hot Victoria's Secret model. Heather notices me mentally talking myself out of it and walks over. "You look hot, can't you just look at yourself and agree for once, I mean look at dat booty girl!" I just laughed. Heather can make me laugh whenever. "Oh one more thing, put this on." I look down to see a very pushed up bra. I look at her like, you got to be kidding me. 

"My bra is so comfty though." She doesn't say anything and just looks at me with the bra in my face. I sigh and put it on. 

Holy crap, never knew a bra could make it look like you got Kate Upton's boobs. I pull over the dress with the bra on and I look like a total different person. I don't know if I like this. 

"Now what are you gunna be?" I ask Heather still admiring all the upgrades she did on me.

"Well I was thinking Tinker Bell, what do you think?" She pulled out this very cute green dress. I just smiled and nodded. Even though I was getting practically dragged to this party, I was semi excited. Especially to see Cameron. 

Heather gave me black high thigh socks to go with my costume and drew on a cute little nose and whiskers. She tied her hair into a bun and her makeup was amazing. It was around 9 that we headed out to the party. "Do you have everything?" Heather asked.

"Yeah.. does that include anxiety and the feeling to throw up.. uh yeah got all that." She just looked at me while we pulled up and sighed.

"Breathe Elle, you look hot and you should be confident. I know right when Cameron lays his eyes on you, he will have to talk to you." I just smile and give her a hug. Already their were cars everywhere, it looked like Project X. Already walking in, I saw three other cats, how awkward, I should have just been like a zombie or something. 

Walking past many people, I spot Cameron. He was a lifeguard. His shirt was off. Holy. Crap. I think I just popped a lady boner. His abs were shining in the light and I felt woozy staring at them. Heather hits me and I look at her, she gives me the what the hell are you doing look but still smiling. 

"Elle is that you?" I turn to see Liam, dressed as sailor, his eyes looking me up and down. I slap his head and look at him like hes crazy. "Well sorry I don't think I have seen that much of.. you... ever. You look... just wow." He kept stuttering. 

"Heather dressed me, if you haven't noticed." He just nodded, speechless. I looked around to see Cameron again but he was no where in site. I just grab Liam by his shirt and tell him to get me a drink. I'm gunna need one if I am gunna actually get some confidence to talk to Cameron. 

- Hey guys sorry I haven't kept up with this story. I am back in school and like to write a lot, so I will be back into it! Please vote, comment and fan! Love you all! xx Livvy

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