Chapter 3: The Kitty kissed the Greaser

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Chapter 3: The Kitty kissed the Greaser.

     As I walk I feel as though I'm being pulled to either side by some unknown force, my face is blushed red and I have unbelievable confidence in myself. I was drunk. Okay, well I mean I have been drunk before once at a wedding, but it was with family and this couldn't even level up to it. Except when I practically stage dove for the bouquet just to be beaten down by the maid of honor. Anyway, I had the urge to talk to every single boy in the room until I saw Cameron. I didn't even hide the fact that I was staring at his incredible body, his shoulders were so brood lined in tan perfect skin. If their was a pool, I would be drowning just for that boy to come and save me. I saw him catch my eye and smile. This was it. I was finally going to talk to Cameron Jefferey. I walked slowly and felt like we were the only two people there until I feel a hand grip quite tightly onto my wrist and pull me into a room. 

"What the hell!" I say, slapping Heather. I desperately try to find Cameron again, looking out the doorway. He is no where in sight. I was so close, too close at that. I felt uncontrollable anger towards Heather until I turn to see a group of people playing a game. I then felt anxiety and a lot of it. I needed to get out of there as soon as possible. 

"Look, just play one round, its just truth or dare." My face must of sold it that I was not wanting to join in. Heather sighing, continues with, "Look at all the cute guys who are playing, you never know what could happen and I heard Cameron might play in a bit." I slowly smile and join in.

Right when I sit down, I see a girl laying on her back, having a boy dressed as a hippy licking a shot off of her chest. I feel my heart thumping out of my chest, I may be tipsy but this was too much, I was just some nerdy girl not a total party animal. I look to see Liam sitting there with his big ole grin, oh my god he is so drunk. I catch his eye and he winks thinking he is so sly. I laugh and mouth back, "you are such a moron." He just laughs before I hear my name come out of a strangers mouth. I spin my head around fast to see who is calling me and why. 

"W-what?" I stutter. Now the whole group is staring at me. 

"I said, Truth or Dare?" She said with a bit of an attitude if I may say. 

"Dare." I breathed out, my stomach felt like I just got off a spinney fair ride. Why would I pick dare? I was the girl no one really knows at the party and I am only here because I was dragged by Heather. 

The girl dressed as a sexy bunny narrowed her eyes with a devious smirk on her face. She turned to her friend who was a sexy police girl and she gave her an approving look on what to do with me. 

"I Dare you to go have 7 minutes in Heaven with the greaser." Really? 7 minutes in Heaven. I moaned to the thought and just to mention that we are Juniors and I still cringe to someone saying that awful game. You were locked up with another stranger in a confined closet and were suppose to doing some frisky stuff, like my anti social self can even cope. 

I stood up to see a boy with dirty blonde hair which was slicked back, and ray bands on, he walked up grabbing my waist leading me to the closet. "This should be fun, Doll face." 

His strong arm on my waist made my skin fluster. He was wearing a white shirt rolled up and cuffed jeans to match his costume. He opened the closet door and I walked into it. The light that shined through the closet was ending as he shut the door. While he shut it, he pulled off his glasses but I still couldn't see him because it was now pitch black. 

He slowly placed his hand on my waist and I leaned in. I am junior. I can do this. This is what normal teenagers do, go to parties and have a make out sesh in the closet, at least that's how movies make it out to be. 

His lips edge mine and I feel him gently kiss me. I grab him and pull him in harder. We slowly moved our lips together in sync. I can hear the kids out side saying 6 more minutes! 

He pulls his hand up, holding my face while we gently kiss. This wasn't even a make out, this was so much more romantic. I thought this was suppose to be a sloppy kiss and come out with my cat ears sideways and his shirt backwards.

After awhile, I could not even hear the kids screaming the time, all I could hear was my heart thumping out of my chest. We paused for a second, both of our breathing scattered. In the mixed darkness, I hear him faintly say "Wow." before we are interrupted by a group of teenagers. Swinging open the closet door, I feel the light crash into us before I saw his very familiar face. Oh my god.

Toby Mackenzie. The winning quarterback of our football team but much more known as, Cameron Jefferey's best friend. We have been going to school together since kinder garden, how could I not see it was Toby! I feel my face turn bright red as everyone was looking at me and I look back to see Toby looking exactly the same as me. My breathing becomes shortened and I run out of the room. Not looking where I was leading, I run right into the very hard abs of Cameron. 

"Wow, wow, wow calm down kitty cat." I feel him grasp my shoulder with his right hand and using his left hand to tilt my face up.  His killer white smile shines down and makes me calm down. "Where you running from?" 

Cameron was talking to me. No, not in class because he forgot his homework, or he needs paper, at a real party. I think I was forgetting to talk, shit. "Uhh no where, just trying to get to the chip bowl!" I instantly shut my eyes, did I really just say I was hauling ass to the chips!  If I could slap myself I would, and it would be pretty hard. He just laughs and puts his arm on my shoulder. 

"Let me get you a drink." He says as he leads me to the kitchen, he walks over making me a drink. I sit there, and to my surprise, even with Cameron right in front on me, I can't stop thinking about that kiss. Handing me the red solo cup, we walk back out to the party. I look around and spot Toby, looking quite flustered but still maintaining his cool guy rep. I chug down my drink, and my vision becomes much more blurred. I get a warm rush into my cheeks and feel Cameron pull me into his group. 

My mind is slowly processing who I am talking to, my dizzy eyes locate Cameron, Kaleb and.... Toby. All in one group talking. I feel Tobys eyes practically burning the side of my face. Between the two boys, I see very very drunk Liam walking over with a lamp shade on his head, grabbing my shoulder and Tobys. Oh no this can not be good. Please Please just shut up Liam, don't do what I think you are gonna do. 

"How a-are th-he steammy coup-ple after that fat makeout sesssssssh!" I just close my eyes and hope that maybe this is all just a dream. I open them back up and nope, this is still reality. I look around on what to do and grab Kalebs drink, which was full, and proceed on chugging it. I look to see Cameron smiling and laughing, while Toby gave him a horrific stare.  

I feel a hot hand on my waist pulling me into him. "Can I get some of Toby's meat?" Why would Cameron say that, Did he really just refer to me as meat. Before I can snap back, I feel my hand entwine with Tobys after he says, "She's not like that, can you just fuck off Cameron." The whole party in unison said "oooooooo" It was a lot for me to process at that moment. Before I followed Toby, I felt Cameron literally grab my butt, and I mean it was groping my junk, while laughing.  

"What the hell!" Who does he think he is. I need to find Heather. This was a big mistake coming here.   I look to see what way I will escape and hear a huge smack. Turning around to see, Cameron Jefferey on the ground, with a now forming black eye, because of me. I panic, due to the violence, music and people, I try to find a way to escape. Everyone is gathering around. Slowly all those mixed drinks are coming back up. I need to find a bathroom now. I shove the chicks surrounding me and run to the toilet. I slammed the door, but to my surprise heard it open again slowly. 

I feel warm hands gather my hair together. "Shh.. Its okay. Its better to just let it all out, Dollface." 


Hello lovelies (: I know their are a lot of names and mixed up things but they will all make sense soon! Who knew Cameron was such a douche bag! Anyways, please leave feedback, cause honestly is makes my day! Thank you all!  - xx Livvy

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