Chapter 6: What the hell is going on?

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Chapter 6: What the hell is going on?

Have you ever noticed how sometimes life goes so fast it's hard to figure out how it got so good. Honestly, I have never really I guess lived, I mean ya I've traveled a few hours away, gone places, seen things but really felt like wow I am living, this is life. It was always kind of hard for me to take thrlls and think that anything is possible in this world we live in, and thats how Toby makes me feel. He just has such a huge wide mind that thinks the craziest possibilites and the greatest hope in me, and I just never have felt that way, really about anything. I was just boring, letting life pass me by simply and easy. I never hated this reality but being shown this other side, it makes me realize how much I have missed out. Life is just an adventure, full of wonders, love, and excitement, if you choose to take it.

Toby spoke his true mind and thoughts, I could tell he was so deep into what he was talking about, and and he slowly looked over at me. I softly replied,"I just never really have ever thought of it that way." He just kept smiling at me, making me blush. "Stoppp, why are you staring at me!" I shoved his shoulder and he grabbed my hand pulling me onto him. I laughed,struggling and wrestling playfully, we just sat at the top of  a large hill, looking over the town, and I looked up at the stars, since I love them like no other. Space in general is such an amazing gift we get to see everynight. I think people often take it for granted. The lovely stars hum in the deep abissy of darkness overlooking the bright moon.

We fell into a comfortable silence, and only the brush of his thumb at a constant pace rang in my ear after each touch.

"I've never got into a girl like you." I turn my head, seeing the side of his head, eyes shut, and his jaw with a line sharp along his neck.

"Well, sorry..." I said sarcastically, poking in my side I let out the most outrageous laugh, sounding like a friken chicken. He starts laughing and holding his stomache due to the tightness of us cracking up.

Then everything went wrong and I guess it all went pretty fast from here cause  it's not just your average love story anymore.

- So to anyone on here messaging me to update, I wrote this 3 years ago and honestly I don't know if I could ever update it. This was found in my drafts and I thought I would publish it for all of you! I am dying laughing at these stories, I am now a screenwriter in Los Angeles so it's hard for me to read these. I was so wanting to be in love, it makes me sad to think how lonely I was while writing these. I am so overwhelmed with how many people love my writing, when I wrote these I didn't get any feedback so eventually I just stopped. I'm so sorry to any of you who got frustrated because fuck, I would be to! If you want me to write another story, I would love to if you guys want. If enough of you enlighten me to finish this one, then possibly I will. Again, thank you all so much for digging my 16 year old writing. I am truly flattered. Xo Liv

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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