Chapter 4: Italian Underwear Model

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Chapter Four: Italian Underwear Model

Advil. Water. These two items are the only things I need right now, and all I can focus on. Okay. Just sit up and go get some. I slowly pulled myself two inches from my pillow, just to crash back into my bed. My head was pounding.I felt like the room was still spinney and just laying down made me feel awful. I couldn't remember how or when I got home but I see Heather crashed halfway in the bathroom and halfway in my room with no blankets or a pillow. I look around for my phone and find it on top of my jacket, which was folded on my dresser. I roll out of bed, feeling as if I have an elephant standing on my head. I grab it and only saw a few missed calls. I'll deal with whoever and whatever after I get some meds for this hangover. 

I step over Heather, and take a good look at myself from last night. My eyes are bloodshot, my hair is going every which way and my cat whiskers are smeared all over my face. I looked like a cat stripper. I lean over, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I grab a small paper cup from the stack and fill in up with tap water to gulp down the two advils that would hopefully ease this horrific headache. 

I looked to the left of my bathroom to see it was 11:30, so instead of letting this hangover ruin my day, I went down stairs to go make some breakfast. My living room had a huge view over the cliff we live on,  which let the sun blast in. I usually loved this, but today, I felt like a vampire and the sun was slowly making me shrivel up. I ran up closing the blinds making my downstairs a dungeon. 

Slipping on my way to make breakfast due to my slippery hardwood floors, I slam my head into our huge clock that stood by the doorway. That's not gunna help my headache. My kitchen had black and white tiles with red walls. It was pretty 50s I would have to say, and my mom loved to collect cool surf art from up and down the coast so my whole house was filled with it.  I started to make eggs and bacon, putting biscuits in the oven and putting oranges in the juicer. Noone was home, which made this whole morning a lot better. My mom and sister were at the farmers market then would be going to lunch and my dad was at work, as always. I finished up breakfast, walking up stairs with a platter with two plates full of food. 

I set the platter down on my desk and kneeled down tapping Heather. "Hey... hey... WAKE UP!" Her eyes slowly opened and she just gave me a dirty look, pulling her head up looking around confused.  "yeah, you passed out right there. Get up, take some advil, and I made us some breakfast." She just nodded and shut the bathroom door. I jumped on my bed and turned on Breaking Bad, which was our series we watched together, except we all argue on who gets Jesse. Which would obviously be me. 

"Thanks dude." She said, grabbing her food and taking the seat next to me. She wasn't eating her food and I looked over at her to see why. She was scrolling through her phone smiling. 

"What is it?" She just turned her phone towards me, showing a picture of me dancing on the pool table with Cameron and Toby behind me, holding me, laughing. 

I started to laugh, then looked closer. "Oh my god, why does Cameron have a black eye?" 

She chuckled, "You really don't remember do you, He grabbed your ass so Liam socked him, but then Cameron was too drunk to care so he still partied." 

"I just let him still dance with me after he grabbed my ass??" I said, with a higher voice, shocked. 

"We were all partying too hard to care, but I mean I thought you knew Cameron was a douche." She said, back on her phone scrolling through. 

"I did, I guess, I remember him saying rude things and I remember kissing Toby. Wait, how did we get home?" I chugged some orange juice looking at her for an explanation.

"honestly, no idea. I do remember when you and Toby sang Get Lucky by Daft Punk on the pool table like 5 times on repeat. That was something." She started to laugh really hard, showing me a picture of us singing. 

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