Chapter 31: Please Don't Go

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Chapter 31: Please Don't Go


It was so cold. Myra had never been on the island when it was this cold. It seeped through her skin and froze her bones. It whipped at her face, icing the tears streaking down her cheeks. She closed her eyes, sighing out another sob. The cold rocked her body once again, making her teeth chatter rapidly. Goosebumps rose on her skin, the hairs sticking out. When did it ever freeze on the island? It froze when the king was dead. 

Myra held his body in her arms, head craddled in the crease of her elbow. He looked so peaceful, the rain having washed away all the dirt and blood from his beautiful face. A shiver ran down the girl's spine, lodging in at the bottom and exploding into loud sobs. Her head fell down and she knocked her forehead against his, shoulders slumping. The brunette's hands curled around his shoulders and she pulled him closer to her body, caressing his cheek with her right hand. "No, no, no," she chanted in the most quiet voice. But it sounded loud, too loud, like it was disturbing the peace on Vaas' face. Her eyes traveled frantically from his face down to the bullet hole in his abdomen, her hand falling over it. It came back bloody, dripping with the crimson liquid. The droplets traveled from her palm, down her fingers and dripped from her fingertips like tears. 

Myra's hand fell limp onto Vaas' chest, but her eyes, gone dark blue, still stared at the blood that was slowly being washed away by the rain. Slowly her palm became white again, the color spreading back to her fingers, erasing all traces of Vaas' blood. The mud in which Myra was kneeling in was soaking through her trousers and boots, humidity making her skin uncomfortable. It itched to move, but the young woman stayed planted where she was, with the dead body of Vaas. 

"Myra," it was Lucio. He'd been kneeling beside her for probably an hour now, being patient. Myra didn't take her eyes off Vaas' face, more tears streaking her face with every passing second. Her tears mingled in with the rain and washed away. "We need to go before the rain swipes us out," Lucio urged, his voice too loud. Myra wanted to bite his throat out. He was disturbing Vaas' peaceful face. 

"I don't care!" she barked, meeting her burning gaze with Lucio's. The young man squirmed and looked down. It was over, and he knew it. 

Myra's eyes went back to the face craddled in her arms and she sobbed, gulping loudly as the yelps shook her body again. Her hands stroked Vaas' face and she whispered, "please don't go, please."


"Lucio!" she ran, the trees slapping at her face with fercious intensity. It was like the leaves were trying to keep her from running back to Lucio. "LUCIO!" she yelled, erupting into the south part of camp, near the square. Had she ran around the camp for all this time? Stupid idiot! she yelled at herself. Without thinking, her feet scurried down the dirt path, past huts and shanties, circling the cement buildings in the square and bursting into the said sqaure. "Lucio!" her voice was hoarse, cracking with emotion. The motherfuckers had taken Vaas, her Vaas. They would pay og so fucking dearly. 

Every pirate in the square turned, brows furrowed, probably taking in her hysteric state. With running in the jungle, her hair had caught in branches and was erupting from her pony tail on all sides, making her have little bunny ears in hair. "Lucio!" her hysteric eyes ran from face to face searching for the one she was screaming for. 

"Myra?" her head jerked left. Lucio was coming out of Timo's kitchen with a plate of chicken in his hands. For a second, the girl let her blue gaze fall down on his plate. Just minutes ago, she had been eating chicken with Vaas, and now he was gone. Everything she said after that came out in a rush.

"The Rakyats, they took Vaas, I heard it, there was blood and footprints and Vaas is missing!" her voice was hysteric. All the pirates inched closer to hear what she was saying. "Lucio, they took him, we have to go find him and kill all those fuckers!" 

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